Chapter 237 : The Epic Missions of Anbu Black Ops!

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Hiruzen had just returned to his office after giving the speech. He was about to get back to paperwork when Hachiro knocked on the door.

Hachiro entered after receiving permission and greeted Hiruzen politely. Hiruzen asked, "Shouldn't you be conducting the exam? Why are you here?"

Hachiro replied, "I gave the students a lunch break. I am here because I noticed something suspicious that didn't make much sense. So I wanted to inform you."

Hiruzen asked, "What did you notice?"

Hachiro informed him, "My class has 5 orphans who always hang out together. Until a few months ago, I was sure that they would fail. But today, all 5 of them performed all the 3 jutsus perfectly. A couple of them even performed elemental jutsus."

A look of surprise appeared on Hiruzen's face. He said, "That's good. I didn't expect that we would have anyone outside the elite classrooms to learn elemental jutsus."

Hachiro replied, "Me neither. That is why I am suspicious."

However, Hiruzen wasn't worried. He asked, "What are their names?"

Hachiro reported their names. Hiruzen nodded. The names were as he expected. He said, "These 5 had approached Suzuki Fujin a few months ago for guidance and were tutored by him. That is probably why they progressed so quickly. You don't need to worry, but feel free to conduct a background check if you want to."

Hachiro was surprised. He asked, "Is Fujin the one who graduated a couple of years ago at the top of his class?"

Hiruzen nodded and said, "A few of them were in the same orphanage."

Hachiro realized. He quickly thanked Hiruzen for providing the info and left. Hiruzen thought, 'That boy keeps on giving me surprises. I didn't expect him to be good at teaching as well. Still, from my reports, he spent very little time with them. How did they improve so quickly?'

Hiruzen wondered for a couple of minutes before stopping. He shook his head and thought, 'It isn't important how he managed that. The important fact is that he did. From Hachiro's words, those 5 children would have entered the Genin reserve force and wouldn't have achieved anything else.

But now, since 2 managed to learn elemental jutsus, it's safe to say that those 2 will at least become Chunins. If they work hard or have good luck, they might even become a Jounin. After all, though it might not seem much to learn an elemental jutsu at the age of 12, the fact is that they made the progress in just a few months. If they could maintain that zeal for a few years, it'd be great. Regardless, this is a great achievement for Fujin.'

Hiruzen was very impressed with what Fujin did. The act of training 5 children in a village that has thousands of ninjas might seem insignificant. But from Hiruzen's point of view, it was very significant.

After all, there were hundreds of ninjas in Konoha who could be considered Veterans and were far more experienced than Fujin. If these ninjas also guided a few orphans or civilians in the academy and ensured that those kids reached the Chunin rank, Konoha's strength would grow exponentially!

Hiruzen thought, 'Initially, we didn't need any such training as all the clans would train their next generation with all their heart. But, after 3 great wars, the strength and numbers of the clan ninjas have severely dropped. Right now, the highest number of ninjas are from civilian families or orphans.

It is unlikely that this would change in the future. However, these civilian students don't get the same level of guidance as the clan children. After all, there is no way a teacher can make a difference when teaching so many students who have different levels of talents in every different fie...'

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