Chapter 223 : A Path beyond Senjutsu!

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Fujin analyzed the pros and cons of keeping his summon a secret. Finally, he decided, 'The Winged Sabertooths will be my main summon. There isn't much point in keeping them a secret as it will get out eventually. Of course, I should keep this card hidden until I can but there is no need to keep it hidden from the ones I can trust.

Instead, I should probably take the initiative to mention this to Hiruzen. While it is good news that they want to teach me Senjutsu, they definitely have some ulterior motives. Though my gut tells me that their ultimate motives won't be harmful to me and even if it is, they won't do anything to me until I learn Senjutsu, it would be better to get some information from Hiruzen.

If it is harmful, then he could warn me and help me terminate the contract or help me scheme against them. If it is beneficial, then Hiruzen might look more favorably towards me as these Sabertooths are quite strong and could increase Konoha's strength considerably.

Also, I could use Ryu's dialogue and add some false news to maybe get a few Elemental crystals from Hiruzen. For instance, instead of telling him about their methods and resources to strengthen me, I could tell him that they will teach me Senjutsu only if I reach the required strength.'

Fujin made a few plans until he was satisfied and went to sleep after eating dinner.

Meanwhile, at the peak of Mount Muteki, Ryu appeared in front of Murasaki. Murasaki looked at him and said, "I am surprised that you agreed so readily. Is the boy that impressive?"

Ryu replied, "You didn't see him connect to nature, great-grandmother. It was almost instinctual to him. He didn't even need 15 minutes to sense nature energy and managed to maintain that state for 2 hours. I had to keep flying around the mountain for over an hour to not disturb him. Among the summoners we contracted in the last 400 years, he is our best shot."

Murasaki sighed and asked, "Are you still hoping that the prophecy your grandfather had, comes true?"

Ryu didn't answer her question and instead said, "Five hundred years ago, you mastered nature energy and helped our pride advance to the next level. However, we haven't made any progress since then. Grandfather and Grand Uncle Genji believed that we will advance to the next level with the help of a human who could learn our Senjutsu. I'd rather believe it instead of wasting away hundreds of years pointlessly."

Murasaki looked at Ryu, however, he didn't budge. She sighed and said, "Do whatever you want."

Ryu nodded and left. Murasaki saw him leaving the mountain as her memories surfaced, 'Four children, 7 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren of mine have died as a result of that prophecy. Some sacrificed themselves to protect the human they chose while some were killed by the betrayal of the very human they raised and one ingrate even invaded our sacred lands. I hope you don't join them, Ryu.'

She closed her eyes and went back to meditating. A very strong chakra could be seen around her. A chakra that brightened the peak of Mount Muteki and would have been visible from a long distance if the peak wasn't hidden above the clouds!

[A/N: Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on a power beyond Senjutsu. But don't involve anything related to Tailed Beasts or Otsutsuki.]

The next day, Fujin was standing outside a building. It was Konoha's hospital. He entered it and approached the lady sitting in the reception. She looked at Fujin and greeted him with a smile, "Fujin-kun, who are you here to visit? Or are you injured?"

Fujin smiled back at her. He had been a rather common face in the hospital. He especially became well-known when Renjiro brought his injured and unconscious body to the hospital on his shoulder multiple times in a single month.

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