Chapter Forty (Epilogue)

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*A Few Years Later*

After two years of living together, Vince and Morticia were married. Only a few months later, Vince adopted Bean and Jesse as his own. He loved them as his own, and they officially had his last name. They were his, though he'd never be their birth father, he'd always be the dad they needed since theirs had passed.

The very next year, Tish found out she was pregnant. Vince was on tour when she found out she was pregnant. She went to his show a few weeks later, and with the guys' help, she was able to surprise Vince with the news. She and Vince were having twins.

Her pregnancy wasn't easy, considering her body had been damaged from the accident she was in years ago. She had to have doctors appointments every few weeks just to make sure she could continue carry the babies. Luckily though, she was able to carry the baby for about eight months, so they were almost full-term babies.

Vince and Tish named their twins Everly and Forrest. Jesse and Bean absolutely loved the twins, and they wanted to be around them as much as possible. Bean and Jesse were put in homeschooling, since Tish and Vince didn't want the kids to deal with questions or comments about Kurt and stuff of that nature. Tish and Vince knew just how awful kids could be, and they wanted to protect their children from stuff like that.

Tish had agreed with Vince to make Tommy and Nikki the twins' godfathers, Forrest had Tommy and Everly had Nikki. It was Vince's idea to do godparents, and since Bean and Jesse didn't have godparents, Nikki and Tommy offered to both take on one more kid, so Tommy got Jesse and Nikki got Bean. If anything ever happened to Vince and Tish, they knew their kids were in good hands.

Honestly, their lives were good, and that's all they could hope for. Over time the guys slowed down on their writing and their tours. They all started doing their own little things, but they stayed friends. Mick became a little distant, but still he was around for his grandkids. Tish was happy with her life though, and that's all that mattered.

After losing Kurt, she never thought she was going to be happy again. She thought her world was going to be shattered forever, but it wasn't. Vince came in and picked up the pieces, like she seemed to do for him. He had lost his little girl and he hated the world, but she helped him see that the world wasn't as horrible as he seen it.

Vince became a father to two kids that weren't his, and he was the best father anyone could ask for. Tish was grateful for him, especially when Bean was dropped on her out of nowhere. She truly loved Vince and their children, and she'd never ask for anyone better in the world. This was the happy life she had always dreamed of, and she was never going to let it go...


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