Chapter Twenty Eight

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Another band practice had ended at Tommy's place. Nikki had brought Vince and Mick to Tommy's, since Vince had hung out at Nikki's and ended up staying over for the night. Tish was watching MTV on the TV, while the guys grabbed their music equipment to bring it back to the music room where Tommy stored it.

"Vince, you ready to go?" Nikki asked, as he and Mick grabbed their things.

"Nah, I promised Jesse I'd stay over to watch Ninja Turtles." Vince replied, which was partially the truth.

He did promise Jesse he'd watch TMNT with him, but when they weren't watching the show, he'd be with Tish. The guys obviously didn't need to know that, so he kept that part to himself. He wasn't lying to them, he was just withholding part of the truth.

"I'll get Tommy to bring me home later." Vince added, and Nikki simply nodded.

Nikki and Mick said their goodbyes, before Vince sat down with Jesse to watch TMNT. Jesse would only ever sit through three episodes, before he would get up to play with toys. It wasn't that he was tired of the show, he just couldn't sit still for too long. It wasn't his fault, it was just something he inherited from both of his parents.

Tish decided to read while Vince and Jesse watched TMNT along with Tommy. Tommy loved the cartoon, and Tish really couldn't blame him. It was actually really entertaining, she had just seen the episodes the guys were watching, and she didn't feel like rewatching them so soon after she had seen them.

"Uncle Tommy, can we make gwilled cheese?" Jesse asked, after a couple episodes of his favorite cartoon.

"Sure," Tommy replied,"You guys want some?" He asked, and they both nodded.

"Don't forget--" Tish began, but Tommy cut her off.

"The tomato soup, I know, babe, you ask every time we have grilled cheese." He said, making her scoff and Vince laugh.

The moment Jesse and Tommy were in the kitchen, Vince got off the couch he was sitting on, and he walked over to Tish. He sat down next to her and leaned over to kiss her. The girl laughed quietly, as Vince moved himself to lean over her. He was holding himself up with one arm against the armrest that was behind her back. His one leg was across hers, pretty much holding her in place, as they kissed and she  ran her fingers through his hair.

The two continued to kiss and quietly laugh. They'd pull apart and smile at each other, before connecting their lips again. The small moment they had didn't last long though, because Tommy had come back in the room. They hadn't heard him, so he had caught them, and he was definitely surprised at what he had seen.

"Oh my god." He had almost shouted, which caused them to jump apart.

"Tommy!" Tish exclaimed, as her face turned a bright red.

"I was not expecting that," Tommy said,"I mean, I thought something was unusual since you two were so quiet in here, but shit, not this."

"You can't tell anyone." Vince stated, making Tommy groan.

"Please, c'mon man, now that I know, I gotta be able to talk to someone. At least let me tell Nikki. We'll keep it from Mick, but I can't just keep this to myself, it'll kill me man." Tommy practically begged, causing the couple to look at each other.

"He's going to find out anyway." Tish murmured, and Vince sighed.

"Fine!" He exclaimed,"but do not tell Mick or Jesse. We'll tell them ourselves... eventually."

Tommy nodded quickly, before he ran back to the kitchen to help Jesse. Vince and Tish were quiet, but it was mostly shock and worry. They knew Tommy and Nikki were trustworthy though, so they didn't need to worry about them telling Mick or Jesse.

After they ate, Tommy ran to his room to call Nikki. It didn't take long for Nikki to pull up outside of Tommy's house. He came into the house looking as shocked as Tommy had been when he found them. Luckily, Jesse had been laying down for a nap when Nikki had showed up.

"I knew you guys were acting different, but this is a real surprise." Nikki said, making Tish chuckle nervously.

"We're not mad you didn't tell us, we're just disappointed." Tommy commented, and Nikki laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." Vince retorted, as he threw a pen at Tommy.

"I'm just fucking with you," Tommy replied, as he continued to laugh,"but really, it's good to see you two assholes together. I thought you'd both be miserable forever."

"Yeah, I thought we were gonna have to set you guys up on a blind date or some shit." Nikki added, causing the couple to roll their eyes.

"How are you gonna tell Jesse?" Tommy asked, turning everything a little serious.

"I don't know," Tish replied,"He likes Vince, so I hope he's cool with it. I don't know how he'd feel about me being with Vince though. I don't want him to think I'm just trying to replace Kurt."

"He won't," Nikki smiled,"He's way too smart to think that." He commented, and the woman smiled as well.

"I really hope he doesn't hate me once he finds out. I really love him, and I'd hate for him to hate me." Vince said, making Tish squeeze his hand.

She really was worried about the way Jesse was going to handle the news. She was worried he'd hate Vince, but she had to think differently in that situation. She hoped that he didn't think she was replacing Kurt, because she wasn't. Nobody could ever replace Kurt, but Vince was a good man, and she really cared for him.

He was a good father figure for Jesse, and she really hoped Jesse would still love him after. If he didn't, she'd blame herself. She'd always blame herself for everything, even if it wasn't her fault...

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