Chapter Thirty Seven

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The day had come for the guys to go on tour. Tish wasn't too excited about it, since she knew she'd miss them, but she was proud of them. They had gotten the chance to go back on tour after everything that happened, and the world was accepting them with open arms.

She and the kids waved at them as their tour bus pulled away. Once the tour bus disappeared, Tish realized that she and the kids were alone until further notice. Obviously the guys would call sometimes, but that wasn't the same as having them around all the time.

Tish tried to keep the children occupied for the most part. It wasn't always easy, considering they really missed the guys. On the nights they really missed the guys, Tish would let them sleep in bed with her, and they'd watch movies until they fell asleep.

The two enjoyed talking to the guys on the phone. The guys would tell them stories on tour, and they knew the stories had to be very tame. Tommy and Nikki had some of the nastiest stories, but on Tish was able to hear those. Sometimes even Vince thought the stories would be too much for Tish to hear without wanting to puke.

As weeks passed, Tish brought the kids to the park, brought them to a zoo, and took them swimming. She knew taking them to do fun things too often would spoil them, but she had to keep them occupied and not sad that the guys were gone. It wasn't always easy, so she commended all other mothers that dealt with things like this often.

When the guys had shows nearby, Tish would take the kids to see them. The first person they ran to was always Vince, then Mick, and finally Tommy and Nikki. Vince was practically their best friend, he was the father figure they needed, so it wasn't really a surprise that they loved him and missed him so much while he was away.

Sadly, the guys had to miss Bean's actual birthday, but two days before her birthday they had a show nearby. So, with Doc's help the guys threw a party backstage before the show. Vince then brought Bean out on stage for the guys and all the fans to sing her Happy Birthday as a bigger gift than the little things they had gotten her as physical gifts.

This birthday was something Bean would remember for the rest of her life. The guys also promised to do the same for Jesse for his birthday, which wasn't too far after. For his birthday though, Tish had to take the two on a plane to Chicago. This time Jesse was brought out on stage, and just like for Bean's, the band and the entire crowd sang for him. Tish was truly thankful for the guys treating both kids the same.

For weeks after their birthdays, both children continued to talk about what the guys did for them. Seeing the happiness on their faces made up for the fact that the guys were gone for so long. She knew just how much the kids missed them, but she doubted it would be any different their next tour.

Tish kept up with their shows, and she kept up with their news on MTV. The music channel loved gossiping about what they seen the musicians doing, so when they caught wind of Vince bringing two kids up for their birthdays, rumors began to spread.

On one of their days off from having a show, they were asked to do an interview. Tish was able to watch the interview live, and it was actually pretty interesting. Nikki and Tommy were still as fun and boisterous as they were before, they were just not high or drunk this time.

"And Vince," The interviewer smiled,"I heard that two different shows you brought kids on stage and had your fans sing to them. So, I guess what we're all wondering is, are you no longer single?" She asked, causing a grin to appear on Vince's face.

"No, I'm not single," He shook his head,"I've got a beautiful girlfriend at home, and I know she's watching this right now. Hey Tish," He waved at the camera, and so did the guys,"She and I have two cute kiddos. I'm not going to reveal their real names, but we'll call them Jay and Bee. They're my favorite people, and I adore them." He replied, and the crowd 'aww'ed at him.

"Jay's the youngest, and he's my mini best friend." Tommy commented, causing the crowd to laugh.

"Yeah, but Bee's mine, and she's kickass." Nikki retorted, and Tish laughed out loud at their antics.

"Vince, would you like to say something to them while you're on camera?" The interviewer asked, and he nodded.

"Hey guys, I really miss you, but I'll be home eventually. I just gotta finish being a kickass rockstar for a few more months. I love you guys." He said, as he blew a kiss to the camera.

A permanent smile stayed on Tish's face for the rest of the day, as the kids talked about how Vince mentioned them during his interview. They thought they were so famous from having their names on TV. Tish thought it was the cutest thing ever, and she got a video of them dancing and singing along to Dr. Feelgood as it played on TV. Even while missing the guys, she truly lived for moments like this with her kids. They were her everything, and she would do anything to make them happy forever...

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