Chapter Eighteen

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Her birthday had come, but she wasn't excited. She sat in her room for almost an hour feeling upset. When she celebrated her birthdays with Kurt, he'd wake her up with a nice breakfast, and before Jesse was born, they'd get high and watch movies together all day in their room. They'd eat some store bought cake in bed, and pass out after smoking a bit more than they would on a normal day.

Those days were gone though, but they'd always be on Tish's mind. Hell, she wanted to burst into tears, but she wasn't going to ruin her birthday like that just yet. If tears did happen, which she felt was inevitable, she'd let them flow. She had for her last birthdays. He had died when she was twenty six, and now she was twenty eight years old.

"Tish?" She heard,"Time to get up, birthday girl." Tommy said, as he opened her bedroom door.

In came Tommy and Jesse with a tray full of different breakfast foods. She almost wanted to cry, but she didn't. She wasn't quite at that level yet, but she knew it could easily happen if someone said something that could easily set her off.

"Vince, Nikki, and Mick should be over within the hour," Tommy commented,"so if I were you, I'd get dressed, otherwise Nikki might chastise your clothing choice."

"I'm eating first," She replied,"I'm starving."

"I helped cook, Mommy." Jesse said, making his mother smile.

"Well, I'm very excited to try everything," She answered,"but I hope you two don't plan for me to eat all this myself. You better go get you some forks, and get up here to eat with me."

Tommy told Jesse to stay with Tish, as he went to get forks. The two guys climbed on to the bed and sat with Tish to eat breakfast. Once they were finished eating, Tommy took the tray to clean up, and Jesse followed him to help. He and Tommy were supposed to be making a cake, but they wouldn't be doing that until after they finished cleaning up from breakfast.

While the boys were cleaning and making a cake, Tish was getting a shower and grabbing a nice outfit to wear. The moment she was dressed, she decided to braid her messy hair. She always had a messy look to her hair, but it wasn't really her fault, it was just the natural look.

Right when she had finished up, she heard the doorbell. She glanced out her window and seen that it was Nikki at the door just by his car. She figured that he had also brought Mick, since her father was still having trouble with driving for right now. He'd eventually get to that point, but it wasn't easy.

Tish quickly came down to the living room, and barely a minute after Nikki arrived with Mick, Vince showed up as well. He looked tired, but Tish wasn't going to say anything. To be honest, she had a feeling that she looked the same. She hadn't gotten a good sleep since the day she had found out her husband had passed.

"I hope you're ready for gifts," Tommy commented,"because Jesse doesn't want to wait."

"Sure," She replied,"we can do presents before cake."

Nikki, Vince, and Mick set their bags in front of Tish. Vince had gotten Mick's help to buy Tish a gift, since he had no idea what to get. He didn't know Tish as well as everyone else did, but he hoped that would change. He hated feeling like an outsider, and befriending Tish would change that.

Tommy and Jesse came back with gifts for Tish, before she was allowed to open them. Jesse had given her two gifts, one that Tommy had taken him out to buy, and one that he had made himself. Tish opened the gifts from everyone else first before the ones from her son.

Tommy had gotten her new boots, something she seemed to almost have an obsession with. Nikki had gotten her a new leather jacket that costed him quite a bit of money. Mick had gotten her a beautiful ruby necklace with matching earrings. With Mick's help, Vince was able to get her a nice gift. He had gotten her a book that she had been talking about getting for weeks, and he just so happened to pass by the author and get the book signed for her.

Tish was definitely happy and thankful for the gifts. She believed they were amazing and she loved them. Once she had opened their gifts, she moved on the the ones from Jesse. She first opened the one that he had bought for her with Tommy's help. He had gotten her a brand new purse, which he thought was cool. It wasn't something she'd normally use, but if her son got it for her, she would use it.

The next gift she had to be careful with. She slowly opened the gift, and when she looked at it, the gift was a picture. The picture was made with macaroni noodles. What Tish didn't know, was that Mick had been helping Jesse make the picture the last three times he was over at Mick's house. The picture was absolutely amazing, and it was in a special frame that wouldn't smash the noodles or hurt the picture.

"Who's in this picture?" Tish asked, as she beckoned Jesse to come to her side.

"That's you," He pointed to the person with colored noodle hair,"that's me," He pointed to the small noodle person,"and that's Daddy." He said, pointing to the last noodle person.

Tish felt her heart clench when he said that. She gave him a smile and hugged him tightly, before she stood up from the couch. The guys could instantly tell that something was wrong, but Jesse simply enjoyed the fact that his mom loved his picture.

"C'mon Jesse, we gotta finish the cake." Tommy commented, deciding to pull Jesse from the situation.

The moment Jesse was out of the room, Tish bolted from the area and went straight to her room...

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