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Morticia Alessia Deal was born on November 2nd, 1967 to a wannabe rockstar father and an alcoholic mother. Her parents were named Sofia Romano and Robert Deal, but Robert had changed his name to Mick Mars a couple years later.  Sofia never told Mick about her pregnancy during the entire time she was pregnant. He didn't know he was getting a daughter until Sofia called him a couple of days before Morticia was born.

Morticia was born a month early, because her mother didn't take care of herself while pregnant. Sofia was known for drinking, but she was also known for messing around with drugs when she had the money. Being pregnant didn't slow her down, but luckily her drinking and drug use didn't hurt Morticia in any way. Even born a month early, the little girl was a picture of health.

Mick wanted to take Morticia, but he knew the courts wouldn't give her to him when he didn't even have a stable place to stay most of the time. He tried to stay in contact with Morticia, but Sofia didn't let that happen. He was only allowed to call the little girl on her birthday and Christmas. Sofia told the little girl that her father was too busy for her, and though Mick would tell Morticia it wasn't true, he really didn't have a way to prove Sofia wrong—not when Sofia wanted him as far away from them as possible.

When Morticia was four, Sofia started to bring men into her life that didn't stay very long. Sofia often blamed the little girl for the men leaving, but the truth was, Sofia was the reason they left. She was just not the type of person people wanted to be around, but regardless, Morticia loved her because that was her mother.

As Morticia grew older, she began to ask to be called "Tish," because she didn't like her name. She was named after the matriarch of the Addams family. She liked the Addams family, but that didn't mean she wanted the name Morticia. The name's meaning was "mortician," and that was definitely something Tish was not interested in being.

Anyhow, from the age of fourteen, Tish would smoke Marijuana with her mother. It was one way the two were actually able to bond, and it was something that helped Tish deal with her stress and emotions. Though she was only a teenager, her mother often let her smoke with her "friends," but Tish didn't really believe these people were friends with her mother. They were really only there for the drugs and free sex her mother offered when she was drunk or high enough 

At the age of fifteen, Tish was approached by one of her mother's "friends," while her mother was in the other room giving a man head. Tish flipped out and bit the guy's hand, and he ended up needing twelve stitches from where she practically bit a piece of his hand off. After that, none of Sofia's "friends" even attempted to approach her.

Sofia had yelled ar Tish for this, not listening to her when she said that the main had tried to grope her. That night, Tish had called her father and cried to him. He felt horrible, but he had no way to come get her. At that time, he was a few states away, and he couldn't get back for at least a week. Tish promised him that she'd be fine, but the truth was, she was not fine.

Only a few weeks later, her mother married a man by the name of John Craston. The man was a drunk, just like her. Tish absolutely hated him, especially since he was known to become violent when he was drunk. He often threatened her and her mother, but there wasn't really anything she could do about it.

Tish had actually recieved quite a few bruises from John over the next few months. The worst one being on her ribs. It was almost black, and she couldn't breath too deep, otherwise she'd be in more pain than she was from the bruise alone. She believed there was a chance she had fractured or maybe even broken ribs, but she didn't get to go to the hospital to get them checked out. Her mother refused to let her go, because she didn't want John to be in trouble.

A week after Tish's sixteenth birthday, she got into a very bad argument with John. John had gotten really drunk, and he threw a whiskey bottle at Tish's head. The bottle had hit the wall next to her, shattered, and the glass cut up her face as the pieces flew from the impact. The whiskey that was still present burned, and had gotten into her eye.

Tish threw a book back at John, yelled at him, and told him that she wished he was dead. He grabbed her by the hair and smashed her face into the wall. She knew her nose was busted, as was her lip, but that didn't stop her. Instead, she decided she had, had enough of his abuse. She brought her knee forward and kneed him in the balls as hard as she could. He fell to the ground, he yelled at her, and at that time her mother came home.

"What happened?!" Sofia exclaimed, as she slammed the door shut.

"He attacked me!" Tish cried, trying to get her mother to finally be on her side.

"She's lying, Sofia. This bitch attacked me, and hurt herself to make it look like I did it." John spat, causing Tish to scowl.

"Mom, that's not what happened! Please, believe me!" Tish pleaded, but she could see it on her mother's face.

The bitch didn't believe her, just like every other time.

"No, Morticia, that's the final fucking time you attack someone I care about. I've given you a place to stay and given you everything you need. You're so fucking ungrateful, and I can't deal with you anymore. You have until tomorrow morning to get the fuck out of my house." Sofia spat, and Tish felt her heart break.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when John leaves you. I hate you, and I never want to hear from you again." Tish sneered, as she stomped away from the living room.

She had, had enough of their shit, and this was the one push she needed to finally get her life on track...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter! So, this chapter is a little snippet of an idea of things that may happen or be discussed in this story. There will be darker stuff, so this is your final warning. I will not be posting anymore author's notes for warnings, so please remember to vote and comment.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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