Chapter Seven

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On March 10th, 1992, Jesse Kurt Cobain was born. He was a perfect mix of both of his parents, and the two absolutely adored him. He was so perfect, and they couldn't ask for a better baby. Kurt had called Mick the moment Tish went into labor, but the man was still so busy with the band, that he couldn't come. He was rather upset, but he promised to show up as soon as he had the chance.

Only a few days later, her father came to Seattle to stay with her, Kurt, and Jesse for a few days. He informed her that Vince had quit the band a few weeks ago, and they'd have to look for a new lead singer. Tish felt bad for him, but at least he was able to come and meet his grandson. He did admit that seeing Jesse made him feel a lot better.

Kurt had to sneak off whenever he needed a hit, since he didn't want Mick to know. He didn't want Mick to thunk he was a bad guy for his daughter, or that he was a horrible father. He was worried that if Mick did find out, he'd make Tish leave with Jesse. Kurt would never be able to handle the loss of his wife and son.

Needless to say, once Mick went home, Kurt was able to go back and forth without having to worry. He was a helpful and loving father, but the drugs still ruled his life like no other. Some days Tish barely had a handle of things, but she reminded herself that she had to stay sober for Jesse, even when it felt impossible.

Only a couple of months after Jesse was born, Kurt had to go back on tour. He only had a few shows left that year, but he still hated leaving his family. He loved the music though, and he loved expressing himself to the world. Tish didn't mind him touring, she was just happy with who he was and glad that he was happy with what he was doing.

The problem was, Courtney came about a week after Kurt left, and she dropped Bean off. She claimed she wanted to go to rehab, but she was gone for quite some time. She dropped Bean off in June, and didn't pick her back up until September 30th. It had been close to three months, maybe just a little more, and Bean was happy to be living with Tish and Jesse. She was upset when Courtney came back to get her.

Tish was pissed to see that Courtney hadn't actually went to rehab. Instead, she had gone off with friends to get high, and left her daughter with someone else. At least she had left her with someone competent and caring. If anything, Tish could applaud her for that. There were many problems Tish had with Courtney after that though, and she hoped that the woman knew that Tish didn't like her.

When Kurt came home for his next show, Tish decided to go see him. She bought special earmuffs for Jesse, so the music wouldn't be too loud for him. While sitting backstage, Tish told Kurt about what had happened with Courtney and Bean. Kurt was pissed to say the least, but he didn't really know what he wanted to do in this type of situation. He wanted to take Bean away from Courtney, but he was no better than Courtney. He was addicted to drugs, and he was away a lot. He didn't want to put all that responsibility on Tish's shoulders, when she was taking care of their son that wasn't even a year old yet.

"I'll talk to her, see if I can get her to chill the hell out." Kurt said, but in reality, he knew Courtney would never change.

After the show, Kurt decided to spend the night at home with his family. He was going to have about a week with his family, before he'd have to leave for South America. Luckily, he was going to come home for Christmas. Christmas was the most important season of the year, especially since it was Jesse's first year. Tish refused for Kurt to miss Jesse's first Christmas.

Tish hoped that she'd be able to see her father this Christmas, but with the way the band was working, she wasn't sure it would happen. The band had hired a new lead singer, his name was John Corabi. He was nowhere near as good as Vince, but he wasn't horrible, and that's all that they were worried about. The band had to tour, that's all that was important to their label, and they didn't want to let them down.

Kurt had joked that he would join Mötley Crüe, but Mick was real close to telling him to quit Nirvana and join. Mick knew the band wasn't going to make it without Vince, and he hated to admit that. He only ever admitted it to Tish, and to Kurt, though it was Tish relaying the information to Kurt.

Nirvana was soring to the top, and Tish was very proud of her husband. He was an absolute treasure to the world, and she hoped everyone could enjoy his amazing voice in some way. Honestly, she was so proud of him, and she loved him more than words could express. She believed he was the best singer she had ever heard, but that was rather biased, since he was her husband.

Kurt was an amazing singer, an extraordinary husband, and the best father. Nobody could ever ask for anyone better, even with the little flaws he had here and there. There were definitely things Tish wish she could help fix, but it couldn't be fixed. He'd always be controlled by his addiction, and his mind would always be full of things he'd wish for no one to hear. His mind would always be a fearful place, but Tish hoped that one day he could get passed it and live the life he always deserved...

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