Chapter Thirty Four

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After making up with Mick, everything seemed to be getting better. Morticia and Vince's relationship was blooming, and everyone around them seemed to enjoy seeing them happy together. They had even admitted that they loved each other, and their relationship seemed to get even closer after they said those magic words.

In a few months the band would be going on tour, and though Tish was proud of them, she was still sad that they'd be leaving. Vince offered for her to go with them, but she didn't want to force Jesse into that much traveling and close quarters. It wasn't always easy to be so close to the same people for a long amount of time, and she knew it would possibly cause Jesse problems if he had to deal with a situation like that.

When the time came for the band to go on tour, she and Vince would have to explain to Jesse why they were all leaving. Vince didn't want Jesse thinking that he was going to be gone forever. He knew it would hurt Jesse if he believed Vince was going to be leaving and never coming back.

Anyhow, after saying the three magic words, Vince and Tish spent a lot more time together. Jesse was almost always with them, unless one of the other guys wanted him. Some nights Tish would spend the night at Vince's, and sometimes she'd bring Jesse if he wanted to go with her. Most times that she stayed over was when Jesse was at Mick's, or Tommy promised to look out for him for a night if Jesse had wanted to stay home.

Vince would stay over at Tommy's more than his own place, but Tommy didn't mind. Matter of fact, Tommy was happy to see Tish so happy, so he often invited Vince over for a couple days at a time. Jesse liked having Vince over all the time. Truthfully, it helped him stop feeling like he didn't have a dad. Vince felt like a dad, and he liked having a dad, though he'd always miss his real dad.

While Tish and Tommy were watching TMNT with Jesse, there was a knock at the door. They had been waiting on Vince to show up with lunch, but they were confused as to why he had knocked. Tish got up from the couch to get the door, giving Tommy a nod to let him know she was going to get the door, and he could stay with Jesse. When she got to the door and opened it, her eyes widened at who she seen.

"How'd you get this address?" Tish questioned, as she crossed her arms.

"I called your dad, and I told him it was important." She said, making the girl narrow her eyes.

"I'm surprised he cared." She grumbled, and Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Look, I need something--" Courtney began, but Tish cut her off.

"Of course you do," Tish sneered,"You don't have anyone else to mooch off of, and you're here to force money or something out of me."

"I need six hundred dollars," Courtney murmured,"please, I'm desperate. I got into some serious shit, and I need the money. They're going to kill me." She pleaded, and Tish sighed.

"Fine--" She began, but Tommy was the one to stop her.

"No, you don't owe her anything." Tommy stated, causing Tish to look up at him.

"She's Bean's mom, Tommy. I gotta do this for Bean." Tish said, and Tommy sighed.

Tommy walked out of the room and went to his own. He went to his closet and dug out six hundred dollars, before he marched back to the door and shoved the money into Courtney's hand. When Tish went to close the door, Courtney stopped her once more.

"One more thing," Courtney turned around a whistled, before the backdoor of her beat-up car opened,"I need you to take Frances. I can't handle her anymore. She's a pain in the ass, and I can't have her bothering me every second of every day. I know you will take her, since you wouldn't wanna upset Kurt." She said, a vindictive smirk appearing on her face as she mentioned Kurt.

Tommy had to quickly grab Tish before she could attack Courtney. The other woman could tell that she was in a bit of danger, so she backed up and headed to her car. She forcefully pulled Bean out the car, and she grabbed her bags and dropped them on the ground next to her.

"So long, brat." Courtney sneered, before she practically ran to the driverside and drove off.

Bean was confused and afraid, but when she looked up and seen Tish, she didn't feel afraid anymore. She quickly ran to the woman and wrapped her arms around her legs. Tish squatted down to the girl's size, and allowed her to hug her for as long as she needed.

While the girls were hugging, Tommy went out and grabbed Bean's bags. The bags were tattered, and there wasn't much inside the bags. Seeing how light the bags were, Tish's heart clenched. She really did hate herself for leaving Bean with Courtney. She knew she should've brought the girl with her and Jesse when they left.

"C'mon, let's get inside. Jesse's probably wondering where we are, and Vince will be here soon with lunch." Tommy commented, and Tish nodded in agreement.

Tish grabbed Bean's hand and lead her to the living room where Jesse was sitting. Jesse recognized Bean almost immediately, and the two reunited with a hug. Tish had to hold back tears at the sight, and without her knowledge, Tommy took a picture of the two kids for the picture album.

Tish hoped like hell that Vince would accept Bean. Bean was now in her care, and Tish wasn't going to let her go. She wasn't going to let Courtney come back and take her. She was going to keep her, rather it took thousands of dollars in lawyers or worse to get full custody...

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