Chapter Sixteen

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Jesse was very happy to see Mick. He had even asked Mick to ride with him and Tish. Tish had brought the brownies with them, so Mick sat in the passenger seat eating brownies. Tommy and Nikki would be lucky if they got any brownies, but at least Mick and Jesse were happy.

Tish followed Nikki, as he lead them to the bar where Vince was supposed to be. Once they parked, Tommy ran over to help Mick out of the car, even though Mick didn't like the help. Mick wanted to do everything himself, even if it hurt to do so.

"I'm going to bring Jesse to the diner over there," Tish commented,"We'll come back after he's finished eating."

"Fine," Nikki murmured,"but don't disappear, you've got the bigger car."

Once Mick was out of her car, she drove over to the diner across the street. She brought Jesse inside, and the two were able to sit quite quickly. Tish simply ordered some fries and a milkshake, but Jesse wanted chicken strips with his. Luckily, the food didn't take long to cook. The mother and son were given their food in about ten minutes.

"We can't sit and play with our food today, they're waiting on us." Tish commented, and Jesse sighed with a little bit of an attitude.

About twenty minutes later, Tish paid for the food and grabbed the four burgers she ordered while she was eating. She wasn't sure if the guys would want food, but she figured it wouldn't hurt getting them food. Once she and Jesse were ready, she drove the back over to the bar.

"Can I carry the burgers, Mommy?" Jesse asked, and Tish nodded.

"Don't drop them. You don't want Uncle Tommy crying about it." She replied jokingly, causing Jesse to laugh.

Jesse grabbed the bag of burgers and carefully carried, as he walked beside his mother into the bar.

"Uncle Tommy's a cry baby." Jesse tried to whisper, but he wasn't the best at it yet.

"I heard that!" Tommy exclaimed, causing Jesse to giggle.

When Tish came around to the guys, her eyes went to Mick and Vince. Her dad was trying to comfort Vince, and she could see the sadness in the man's eyes. She felt her heart clench, knowing exactly why he was upset. She didn't admit it outloud though, but even after crying, the man was still rather handsome. She hated herself for thinking that, considering she lost her husband, but she couldn't stop the way her heart fluttered at the sight of Vince.

"We got you guys some burgers," Tish said, causing all eyes to turn to her,"I figured none of you have really eaten yet today, other than Dad having all those brownies."

"Mommy, that was a secret!" Jesse exclaimed, causing Tommy to chuckle.

"Sorry," She answered, before looking back at the guys,"I wasn't sure what everyone ate, so I got everything on them."

"Thanks, Tish." Nikki replied, making her smile.

"There's no onions." Tommy commented, as he opened his burger.

"Oh," She bit her lip,"I'm sorry, I'm still use to ordering for Kurt, and--" She began, but Tommy cut her off.

"I get it, don't worry. It's fine." Tommy said, but Vince wondered who she was talking about.

"You have hair like my Daddy did." Jesse murmured, as he climbed into the seat next to Vince.

Tish could see the pain in Vince's eyes as Jesse carefully touched his blonde hair.

"Jesse, why don't you go sit with Uncle Tommy." Tish commented, but Vince shook his head.

"It's fine," Vince said, giving her a fake smile,"He's not hurting anyone."

Jesse yawned, laying his head on Vince. Vince felt his heart clench at the feeling of a little body leaning against him. He had missed this with Skylar, and having this little boy at his side made him sad.

"Oh, I think it's nap time," Tish voiced,"You guys feel like heading to Tommy's?" She asked,"I've gotta get little man in bed." She said, and the guys nodded.

"Vin, you're riding with Mick, Tish, and Jesse." Nikki commented, and the blonde gave him a slight nod.

Tish grabbed her son, before she lead the guys out to the cars. Tish put Jesse into his carseat, and Vince climbed into the backseat with the kid. It had nothing to do with the fact that Tish was driving, he just figured Mick would want the front seat since he was her father.

As soon as they got to Tommy's, Tish realized that Jesse had fallen asleep on the ride home. Luckily, Tommy and Nikki pulled in right behind them. Tommy quickly jogged over to get Jesse from the backseat. The man carried Jesse over to his room and laid him down, before slipping his shoes off of his feet. Once Jesse was comfortable, Tommy came out of the room to find the others.

"You look a little pale, Tish." Nikki murmured, causing the woman to frown.

"Yeah, I uh, I think I'm going to go lay down." She replied, before she quickly stood up and went to her room.

Vince was confused. She looked fine when he seen her earlier. He didn't see anything wrong with her, other than the sign of hidden emotion on her face. He could tell she was putting a mask up. He didn't know why, but he wondered what could've caused her to run off like that.

"What's wrong with her?" Vince asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Jesse mentioned his father is what happened." Mick replied, causing Vince to frown.

"What happened to his father?" Vince questioned, since he didn't know that Tish Deal had married Kurt Cobain.

"You remember seeing the news on Kurt Cobain?" Nikki asked, and Vince nodded,"That was her husband, and Jesse's father."

"She hired a P.I. and she had a lot of proof to show that he was murdered, and the court threw it out without a second thought." Mick added, making Vince shake his head.

He would've went mad if that had happened to him...

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