Chapter Four

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Over the short time Tish knew Kurt, the two became fast friends. She listened to his album and absolutely loved it. She played About A Girl on the radio, and gave the band a shout out. She and Kurt had a bit in common, and the two felt comfortable together.

Kurt told her about his daughter, and she told him about who her father was. The two bonded over their trauma, and they felt like they could relate to each other when it came to feelings of distress and anger. They had become such fast friends, that Tish had even met his band, and had went to one of his practices. She was normally working and couldn't go, but he held one off until she came home just so she could see it.

"You wanna go to the show on the twenty second?" Kurt asked, as he and Tish sat at her table eating dinner.

"I don't want you to lose money because you gave me a ticket." She commented, causing him to chuckle.

"Come on Sia, you know I don't care about the money. I want you to come to the show." He replied, and she smiled.

Since Kurt knew she hated her first name, he decided to give her a nickname for her middle name. He loved her name, but he wanted to give her a unique name that nobody else was using. He didn't know that giving her this nickname and using it so often made her heart flutter every time she heard him say it.

"Fine, but only this time. Next time I'm paying for the tickets." She said, and he nodded with a satisfied smile.

"You've been to a concert before, right?" He asked,"This isn't your first ever concert?"

"No, I went to see my dad play twice this year, once in Seattle and once in Tacoma. The Seattle show was February second, and the Tacoma show was June eighth." She answered, causing him to sigh in relief.

He didn't want her freaking out at the show because she'd never been to one before. He had a feeling she'd been to one, at least, for her father, but she couldn't be sure. He also didn't know that every time the band was in Seattle, Mick would come and stay with Tish. The rest of the band didn't, but Mick refused to invite them. They didn't even know where he went when they were in Seattle.

"If you show up a bit early, you can come hang out backstage with us." He commented, and she smiled.

"I'd like that. I never went backstage at Dad's shows. I didn't want to bother him." She replied, making Kurt frown.

"I doubt you would've bothered him," He said,"If Bean came to one of my shows and was backstage, I'd be elated."

"Yeah, but Bean's a month old, I'm twenty two." She retorted, causing him to roll his eyes.

And I'm twenty three, age doesn't matter. I think you're just nervous to meet his band." Kurt replied, and she shrugged.

"Speaking of Bean, is Courtney going to let you see her anytime soon?" She asked, making him sigh.

"She said I need to wait to see her until she's six months old. She said she'll bring her to me." Kurt replied, and Tish could tell that he was upset.

"I doubt she's lying, Kurt. That's your daughter, she can't keep her from you." She said, causing him to nod slightly.

She could tell he was struggling with the fact that his ex wanted to keep his daughter away from him. She felt horrible for her friend, but she didn't know what she could really do to make it better. Instead of getting him anymore upset over it, she decided to try and help him calm down. She went to her bedroom and grabbed the jewelry box that stayed locked in her nightstand.

She carried the box out to the kitchen and placed it on the table in front of Kurt. She knew of his addictions, but in return, he knew of hers too. It was hard to keep things like that away from someone, especially when they're around each other all the time.

He looked into the box and seen she had weed and blow, but she also stashed a few pills in the bottom of the box. He knew what they were just by looking at them, but he wondered when she had gotten them. She wasn't a pill person, but she could've just started.

"I got those for you," She murmured,"I figured if you ever needed them, I'd have some."

"Let's stick with weed," He replied,"I've got some other shit in my car for later."

Tish's father didn't know about any of this. She kept it from him, because she didn't want him to worry. Matter of fact, when he stayed with her during Seattle shows, she would make sure everything was hidden, and depending how long he was there, sometimes she'd be worried about withdrawal.

Tish hoped that Kurt's little girl wasn't around shit like this. She knew that Courtney was big on drugs, because Kurt told her all about it. He even told her how Cortney had tried to force more on him at times when he didn't want them. Hell, he had to stop her more than once when she was pregnant, because her body was craving the release she felt from the drugs.

Tish felt bad for Kurt, but she had hope that Courtney would be a good mother. No child deserved to have a parent that was only worried about drugs and alcohol, much like her own mother. If Tish ever became a mother, she'd refuse to let herself be like that. It would be hard for her to get stone cold sober, but she'd do anything for a child. She doubted she'd ever get that lucky though, since she believed she'd never find a man that would love her the way she wanted to be loved...

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