Chapter Twenty One

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Morticia woke up the next morning with a hangover, something she wasn't use to anymore. She use to be able to wakeup and deal with a hangover like it was nothing back when Kurt was alive, but after having Jesse, she just wasn't cut out for it anymore. As she tried to clear her head a bit, she realized she wasn't in her room.

Matter of fact, she didn't remember falling asleep in the living room. She then realized that there was a blanket thrown over her, which kept her a little too warm. What really surprised her was when she noticed that she was sitting next to Vince. Her fingers were intertwined with his, and his head was laid atop of hers.

She could barely remember much from the night before, but she definitely didn't remember falling asleep with Vince. She remembered sitting next to him, and she vaguely remembered taking his hand and slightly snuggling with him. This was definitely something she'd have to think about to try and remember a little more.

Tish slowly tried moving away from Vince. It's not that she was uncomfortable or anything, she honestly just wanted to go back to sleep, Vince was comfortable, but she had to pee and she really needed something to calm the raging headache that was coming on. As she was trying to get up, she could feel Vince moving next to her.

"Tish...?" She heard, causing her to quickly turn to him.

Vince's eyes were barely open, which she figured was from a possible hangover. He looked exhausted, but when he started to realize that they had fallen asleep together on the couch, he started to wake up a bit more. He definitely didn't know what was running through his mind at that moment, but he didn't want her to think he was trying anything on her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," She murmured,"I just needed the bathroom, and I gotta find some aspirin."

"Get me some?" He asked, and she nodded.

Getting up from the couch, she looked over at the clock and realized that it was barely six in the morning. She quickly headed to the bathroom that was down the hall. She didn't bother going to her own. She knew for a fact that Nikki stole her room for the night, since her door was slightly cracked, and she'd normally leave it either closed or opened.

After using the bathroom, she quickly searched through the medicine cabinet to find aspirin. Once she found some, she grabbed two for both of them, before she headed to the kitchen for a bottle of water. She grabbed a bottle, and headed back to the living room.

Vince was barely awake sitting up on the couch, as he waited for her to come back. She popped open the bottle of water, and put two aspirin in her mouth. She took a couple sips of the water, before she handed the other aspirin to Vince, as well as the open water bottle.

"Thanks." He murmured, and she simply nodded.

Once Vince took the aspirin, he set the water bottle on the table in front of the couch. Tish sat back down on the couch, and pulled the blanket back over her. She had started to feel a little chilly as she walked around the house.

"I need a real bed," Tish commented,"You good out here, or you wanna come with me?" She asked, looking over at Vince,"I can probably get the guest room pretty dark, so the sun won't make our headaches worse."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Vince questioned,"Your dad--" He began, but she cut him off.

"We're just sleeping," She retorted,"Plus. If he has anything to say, he can take it up with Mr. Sixx who decided to take over my room."

Grabbing the blanket, Tish lead Vince to the guest room for them to lay down. She went to the windows and used the blinds and dark curtains to make the room as dark as possible. Vince laid down in the bed first, after taking a quick bathroom break.

When Tish laid down in the bed, she pulled the blanket over them. She could hear Vince's breath even out, meaning he had fallen asleep almost as soon as they laid down. The problem was, Tish didn't. She couldn't stop her mind from wandering a bit.

Laying next to Vince in a bed felt weird. She hadn't laid next to any man since Kurt, and that was a while ago. It felt weird, and honestly, she felt a little saddened by it. She felt like she shouldn't be sleeping next to Vince because she was hurting Kurt, but at the same time, her heart was telling her to enjoy it. Her heart wanted her to enjoy the fact that she wasn't sleeping alone for a couple of hours.

Eventually, Tish did fall asleep, but it wasn't easy. She was mad at herself for letting her mind try to take over her body again. She had promised everyone that she was getting better, but it seemed she was still having slip-ups. She needed to figure out how to fix them fast, otherwise she could accidently spiral.

Tish didn't know that Vince was also feeling different when it came to laying next to her. He felt a bit scared, considering she was Mick's daughter. He was also feeling a little sad at the feeling, considering he hadn't really had something that felt so normal since his little girl had passed. He secretly wanted to feel something like this for a long time, not just a few hours.

They both had to pray that they'd be awake before Nikki and Tommy. If they weren't, the two would find Vince and Tish in the guestroom. They'd get the wrong idea, Mick would find out, and Mötley Crüe would be over before it could even start back up. They just couldn't let anything go past sharing a bed to sleep for a few hours to sleep off their hangovers...

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