Chapter Five

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After the September twenty second show, Kurt asked Tish to be his girlfriend. Their relationship progressed rather quickly, but they didn't care how fast it went. They were happy together, and that's all that mattered. Tish had even told her father about Kurt, and though he believed they were moving fast, he was just glad she was happy.

Only six months after they started dating, the two were engaged. Kurt didn't want to lose her, and he believed that putting a ring on her finger made it less possible to lose her. She meant the world to him, and he'd do anything to make her happy. She and Bean were everything to him.

A week after their engagement, Courtney brought Bean to see Kurt. Courtney was pissed when she seen that Kurt was engaged to someone. The woman thought she ran the world, and she didn't like that Kurt wasn't wallowing at her feet like she had hoped. Matter of fact, she tried to take Bean and leave as soon as she seen Tish, but Kurt wouldn't let that happen.

Kurt threatened to turn her in for drugs to take Bean away, and she was not happy with that, but she listened nonetheless. She let Kurt keep Bean for a week, while she went on a bender. It was bad, but at least Tish and Kurt had Bean, and they didn't have to worry about her being in the middle of her mother's issues.

Bean really liked being with Kurt and Tish. Though she was only six, almost seven months old, she was aware of her surroundings and such. She liked being around people that took care of her, and didn't just lay her in her crib at all hours unless she needed food or changed.

Anyhow, the day Courtney came and took Bean back with her, Kurt and Tish both felt down about it. Tish called her father and actually cried, and he told her that if they needed a lawyer to get Bean, he'd get them a good one, but she and Kurt didn't want to do that, not yet. She just cried, and Mick promised to call her back to check on her.

Only an hour after the phone call, Kurt and Tish were passed out. They had smoked, and when that didn't help, the harder shit was brought out. Needless to say, they both were passed out for the day. Mick had tried calling her, as well as Kurt's place, but nobody picked up. He was really worried, but he didn't know what to do.

He talked to Doc, and the man told him to just give the girl and her fiancé some time to calm down, and they'd call him back. The next day around noon, Tish woke up and she realized that she had been asleep for awhile. She quickly got up and realized that she had a view voice-mails. She pressed the red blinking light on the machine, and listened to the recordings.

"Tish, you haven't answered, and I've called three times."


"Tish, I'm getting really fucking worried. I call Kurt a few times, and neither of you assholes are picking up the phone."


"Morticia Deal! Answer this damn phone!"


"Tish, I know you have no idea who I am, but my name is Doc. Your dad is really worried about you, but I'm trying to calm him down. It'd be a good idea to call him back, before he takes a plane to you."


"Tish, baby, I know you're upset, and so is Kurt. Just—call me back tomorrow, and let me know you're alive. If you don't call by eight tomorrow night, I'm catching a plane, and I'm coming to look for you."


Tish quickly sobered up from whatever else she was feeling. She quickly grabbed the phone and called her father. She listened to it ring and ring, until finally he picked it up. She was almost terrified to talk, but she knew he would forgive her.

"I'm sorry about not calling you back last night. Kurt and I went out to drink, then when we got back we went to bed. I just got up actually." She said, though it was definitely a partial lie.

"It's fine, I get it," He replied,"but you do that again, I'll fly down there and kick your ass."

"Did you know your buddy, Doc, called me?" She asked, causing him to chuckle.

"I went to him last night, saying I was going to catch a plane, and he talked me out of it. He has yours and Kurt's numbers, just incase something happens. I guess he called to try and get you to answer me." He said, and she chuckled.

"Well, tell him I'm alive and hungover." She joked, laughing quietly.

"Is Kurt with you?" He asked, making her eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah, he's still asleep, I think." She replied, and he sighed.

"You better tell him the next time I call, one of your asses better pick up." Mick retorted, causing her to laugh.

Mick and Kurt had spoken on the phone a few times. The two actually got along well, and Kurt had even sent the man a copy of his album so he could check it out. Mick couldn't deny that the guy had talent, but he still found him a bit weird. Kurt was definitely an odd character, but he was a good man and that's all that mattered.

He only cared if his daughter was happy and in a good relationship. His mind probably would've changed if he really knew why they hadn't answered the phone, but they planned to keep that a secret. Stuff like this was things she didn't want her father to know. She knew that his band had struggled a lot with drugs and alcohol, and here she was doing the same. She just didn't struggle as much as they did, and she felt she was in control, for the most part...

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