Chapter Thirty Two

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For an entire week, Mick ignored the band and Morticia. He was pissed, and he didn't want to talk to any of them. He felt like they had all betrayed him, especially since he knew for a fact that Nikki and Tommy knew about Tish and Vince. He could tell just by the way they had been acting when Jesse's sickness was mentioned.

Tish was pissed at her father for hitting Vince, and her anger didn't go away for a while, considering Vince's face was bruised for a while. The cut on his lip healed faster than the bruises, but Tish was still very upset. Vince was in pain for days, and Tish had him stay over so she could take care of him.

Tommy was fine with Vince staying over, considering Tish and Jesse seemed to be a lot happier. Tommy and Vince hang out a lot while Vince stayed over, and Nikki visited a lot, too, considering most of his friends were there all the time. He tried talking to Mick, but the man wasn't having it. Mick was adamant he wouldn't talk to anyone.

"Hey, babe, you mind if we take Jesse with us?" Vince asked, as he and Tommy got ready to leave.

"Sure," She replied,"He'd like that, but please be careful and watch him at all times."

"I promise," He said, before leaning over to place a kiss on her lips,"We'll be back soon, but Nikki will keep you company until we get back."

Vince quickly went to get Jesse ready to leave, and once he was ready, Vince brought him to the living room to say goodbye to Tish. Tish hugged him and kissed his cheek, and made him promise to be good for Vince and Tommy. The child promised, of course, but she knew he'd be good because he was a good kid.

"Have you heard from my dad?" Tish asked, once the three had left.

"No," Nikki replied,"I've tried calling him, but he hasn't answered."

"I feel bad about everything, but I'm also mad at him for hitting Vince. They could've just talked it out."

"You do realize that the way Mick seen it was that one of his best friends got with his daughter, even after he said that she was off limits. Vince pretty much went against everything he said, and made him feel like he couldn't trust anyone around him."

"Can you stop being so right all the time." She grumbled, making Nikki chuckle.

"Sorry, if I'm honest, I'm not always the voice of reason, but it's kind of easy being it for you," He replied,"Your problems are easy for me to relate to, well, most of them, but I do try my best to help."

"You think he'll ever forgive us?" She asked, starting to feel a little worried.

"Yeah, I think he will, he just needs time to calm down," He answered,"Besides, we've got to practice and shit. If he keeps skipping, he's out of the band." He added, and though it was supposed to be a joke, Tish knew there was a little bit of truth behind it.

"I'll give him a couple more days," Tish sighed,"If he doesn't call, I'm going to go to his place and try to talk to him there." She commented, and Nikki nodded in agreement.

"That's a good idea." He replied, causing her to smile slightly.

A couple hours later, Vince, Tommy, and Jesse came home. Tommy was carrying bags of takeout, Vince was carrying a couple bags of things for Jesse, and Jesse was carrying a gift bag and a dozen roses. Once they were inside, Vince squatted down to Jesse's height and whispered in his ear. Jesse smiled at him, before he turned to his mother and held out the roses and the gift bag.

Tish thanked him and grabbed the roses first. She smelled them and a happy sigh left her lips. Nikki took the flowers to put them in water, as Tish grabbed the gift bag to open it. Inside of the bag was a stuffed bear that read "I ♡ Mommy," as well as a big picture frame that held four pictures. The first picture was of Kurt, Tish, Bean, and Jesse. The second picture was of all four guys, Jesse, and Tish. The third picture was of Tish, Vince, and Jesse. The fourth picture was of Kurt and Tish, back when Tish was pregnant with Jesse.

"Oh, I absolutely love this." Tish said, as she smiled at the pictures and the little bear.

"I didn't know if it was too early for you to have pictures of us with pictures of Kurt," Vince rubbed his arm nervously,"but Jesse picked what he wanted in the frame." He commented, making the girl smile.

"It's perfect, I promise." Tish replied, getting up and giving him a kiss.

Tommy offered to put the picture frame in her room, along with the bear, and she thanked him. Once he took the things from her, she turned to her son and picked him up. She twirled him around making him laugh, before she placed a kiss on his cheek. She held Jesse on her hip, as she turned to Vince and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The three were smiling big, as Nikki pulled out his camera and took a picture.

Nikki and Tommy planned to put together a picture album of all the photos they took of Vince, Tish, and Jesse. They also planned to give the album to the couple as a gift for Christmas. The couple would obviously love the album, Nikki and Tommy knew that for sure, they just hoped they'd have enough pictures in time for Christmas. They also hoped that Mick would forgive them all by then, otherwise things would become even more awkward...

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