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-False accusations pedophilia

Reggie's POV

I stayed with Richard the whole morning, until everyone was slowly getting back to the camp again. Yet, even though Clay and Jason stuck up for me, the pain inside was still too intense to easily forget what Clay had done to me. No matter how badly I wanted to, the truth kept haunting me.

Instead, I decided to stay with Richard for a while and ended up falling asleep in his bed because I felt safe when he was near me. 'Honey, you have to wake up!' I heard someone demand, but the gentleness in the voice made me smile and look up into Richard's eyes.

'But I want to sleep!' I whined, which made him laugh and kneel down in front of me. He ran his hand through my hair and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

'We are going to play a game in the forest nearby right after dinner. You need to get some stuff ready,' he said with a chuckle, lifting me up from his bed.

'Okay, fine,' I groaned with a soft sigh, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

'Do you want me to walk you to your room?' he asked to make sure I was comfortable. However, I shook my head and decided to go on my own, walking to my room with heavy feet.

Nervously, I opened the door once I was there, but as soon as I did, I was greeted by something I wished I would have never seen... I gasped and turned to the door with my eyes covered while I heard Clay and Jason pant, in the middle of having sexual intercourse.

'You are both assholes, I hope you know,' I whispered as I opened the door to storm off. I slammed it behind me, but it opened again within a second.

Jason was half naked and had just pulled up his boxers as he grabbed my shoulder. 'Reggie, wait. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have done that in your room as well.'

'You know that's not what I'm talking about,' I groaned, shrugging his hand off. 'I opened up to you and told you how I felt, but I can't trust anyone anyway.'

'You told me you wanted to keep it casual,' he mumbled, turning his eyes away from me.

'And you knew I didn't mean that,' I whispered. 'I told you I like you, that I wanted someone to love me...'

'Maybe you're just too complicated to love,' he said with a sudden harsh and cold voice. 'Why are you acting like I'm the bad guy while you're clearly still into Clay?'

'That's such a rude thing to say,' I stumbled with tears burning in my eyes. 'Why are you being such an asshole to me?'

'Because we figured out who you truly are,' he answered as he held up his phone. 'And I thought you were different.'

'What? What are you talking about? I thought you didn't believe those bullies...'

'I've seen proof,' he replied as he pushed his phone under my nose. I grabbed it and started swiping through countless pictures and videos of Richard and me...

'I'm staying with him, he's like a father to me,' I started, but then I swiped to the last video and gasped. My cheeks turned dark red, but I realised right away that an insanely good editor edited Richard's face onto the body of someone who was having sex with me...

'I guess you like to do it with your father then,' he groaned. 'It's disgusting, Reggie. He is a grownup man, he is our teacher, and you let him rail and kiss you whenever no one is around.'

'Jason, this never happened!' I exclaimed, turning it back to him. 'THAT IS YOU, MORON! THAT'S WITH LEXIE WHEN WE WERE HIGH!'

'I don't want to be involved in that stuff,' he answered. 'Because I know that's not my body, it's the body of an older man.'

'IT'S EDITED, WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE AN ASSHOLE?' I screamed out hopelessly, seeing the door open again. Clay looked at me and then pushed Jason softly.

'Please, stop,' he scoffed. 'Why didn't you tell me you've been doing it with him as well?'

'Why do you just believe him?' Jason exclaimed. 'I don't want anyone to see anything, idiot! He is just with some pedophile, bro!'

'Chill out,' Clay said with a low, but threatening tone in his voice.

However, I became so angry from what he said that I pushed him backwards against the door of his room. I had no clue why he was behaving the way he currently was, but he pushed me back and showed more anger than he had done since I met him.

But as it was about to escalate, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and looked right into Richard's eyes, another teacher next to him. 'Reggie, come with me right now.'

Richard looked at me with disappointment in his eyes, but I hopelessly pulled away when the teacher grabbed my hand. 'Sir, we didn't do anything. That video was edited by someone, I don't who did it, but it was not him!'

'You've made up a lot of fake stories already,' he answered. 'A relationship with your teacher is NOT allowed and a sexual relationship is illegal!'


Jason didn't reply, so I turned back to the teacher and hopelessly clapped my hands together as I begged him to believe me.

'It wasn't him,' I whispered with a sob. 'Please, believe me...'

Clay bumped his elbow into Jason's stomach, which made him wince and turn away. He recognised the heartbreak in my eyes and then sighed as he stepped forward.

'So, I know it's edited, because it was me in that video,' he lied, pulling me away from the teacher. 'And it's quite embarrassing to admit these things, but it wasn't mr. Spencer.'

'Unfortunately we need more proof to make sure you're not lying and covering for your favourite teacher. If you're not speaking the truth about something so serious, you're covering up pedophilia, Clay.'

His face slowly turned more and more ashen, but he straightened his posture and shrugged. 'I know what happened and it wasn't mr. Spencer,' he repeated, looking at me with a gentle smile.

'Thank you...' I whispered as he walked with us. 'It means a lot, I just don't get why Jason is acting out.'

'He used drugs,' Clay answered quietly, his widened pupils only getting to my attention now.

'And so did you...' I whimpered. 'You're going to regret sticking up for me later.'

1144 words

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