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-Attempted sexual assault (pedophilia)

Reggie's POV

I couldn't remember crying more than the past hour, feeling the most hopelessness I had ever felt in my entire life. I had no clue how to get out of the situation I was in, and even if I did, I had no clothes to cover myself with. I was hurt so deeply that I had no clue if I would ever recover from the terrible pain inside, as well as outside of my body...

I looked down at the progress I made, attempting to combine all the pieces of my sweatpants with knots to make something to cover me, however, I wasn't great at making knots and had to redo one a few times before it was finally secure enough.

But next to the knots I had been making, I completely lost myself in my addiction. I couldn't even fight the urge to masturbate for longer than it took me to make one knot. It became so bad that it hurt to get an orgasm, but I couldn't stop either and kept going, regardless of the stinging pain.

As tears continued to cover my cheeks, I was moving my hand for the sixth time in an hour. I glanced down and saw the bruising from the kick Tobias gave me and a rash because my skin became awfully dry, but even that didn't stop me from trying to ease the pain inside.

But then, I suddenly heard the door to the changing room open up. I immediately moved my hand away and felt a spark of hope slip back into my body. I gasped from excitement and sat up straight to listen and figure out who came in.

It stayed quiet for quite a bit, which revealed it wasn't a student who knew I was in here or came to bully me even more. Instead, I heard some rattling at the door and then a noise of confusion. 'Is someone in there?' my PE teacher's voice sounded from behind the door.

I was so excited to hear someone to get me out of here that I forgot to cover myself. He opened the door before I could hide and looked at me with wide open eyes. 'What the hell are you doing in here like this?'

'Sir, I'm so glad you came,' I exclaimed as I covered myself up and wiped my tears away. 'I'm really sorry you had to find me like this, my friends just pulled a prank on me, you know?'

!! attempted sexual assault !!

I continued to clean the tears from my face and tried to act like I hadn't been crying, but I knew my eyes were bloodshot and swollen. However, instead of turning around, like I expected my teacher to do to give me some privacy, he continued staring at me.

Uncomfortably, I raised my legs to cover myself even more, but he stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand to lift me up. Thankfully, I accepted the help because my back hurt a lot and waited for him to continue speaking, but he stayed awfully quiet.

I started to feel more and more awkward as he led me to the changing room, but put my fear aside because I was glad to finally get out of the small space without an escape. I sat down on the bench in the room and grabbed my bag, laying it down on my lap.

'Do you maybe-,' I started to ask him for extra clothes, but then I noticed a look of lust in his eyes when I looked into them. Nervousness grew in my stomach when a strange smirk appeared on his lips.

I frowned and pressed my back against the wall, turning my eyes away due to the anxiety it gave me, but when I did, my eyes were caught by something that made my stomach turn from the nausea and a wave of heat.

My face heated up, my hands became awfully shaky and my body tense. I scooted away from him as far as I could and pressed my bag roughly into my lap, but he stepped closer to me and laughed softly.

'Get away from me,' I whispered when I saw him moving his hand to mine. I tried to pull away, but he lifted it up to the boner he got from looking at my uncovered body.

'I heard you often have sex with people,' he started with a low tone, moving his hand to my stomach.

'STAY OFF ME!' I screamed out when he tried to pull the bag away. He groaned and pushed his salty-tasting hand on my mouth to make me stop screaming, grinning when he noticed he was in control again.

I felt so many emotions that I didn't know how to fight back anymore. I genuinely thought someone came to help me, but instead, I was used again like all the other times I had been used and betrayed.

The memories put tears in my eyes and slowly but surely, intense fear combined with anger started boiling in my chest. I tried to gasp for air, but the more I fought or moved, the harder he pushed his hand on my mouth, as well as my nose.

He managed to pull the bag away with a rough force while I was fighting for air, but his sharp nail cut my stomach and left a bleeding trail. Adrenaline started to rush through my body when I saw his hand near my genital area, thinking of Nicky and her boyfriend again.

!! over !!

Just as I was about to give up, suddenly, I felt the anger and memories turn into insane strength. I managed to push his hand away and jumped up while clenching every muscle in my body.

'GET AWAY FROM ME!' I cried out, pushing him as hard as I could. He stumbled and rolled his eyes at me, but I felt my heart race faster and faster as I pushed him another time. 'LEAVE!'

At first, he laughed at me to humiliate me, but he clearly underestimated my strength. I saw his expression change when he lost balance and tripped over his own foot. A frightened scream filled the room as he fell backwards and then... slammed his head on the edge of a wooden bench.

I let out a horrified gasp and lifted my hands to my hair when I saw a puddle of blood coming from his head within seconds from the fall. A million thoughts went through my head, but I could only think about how much trouble I would get into if I stayed. I didn't hesitate any longer and ran to the first bag close to me.

I turned it around to empty all of the items and saw a pair of sweatpants fall down on the floor. I ignored any of the pain I had and pulled on the pants, running to the door after grabbing my own bag and phone.

Without looking back, I rushed to the exit of the school and panted heavily when I arrived outside. I fell down on my knees with tears flowing down my face. 'I didn't m-mean to... I promise,' I repeated multiple times, but I knew there was no one who would believe that...

1218 words

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