gyuricky extra

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Ricky feels as Gyuvin takes a strand of his hair into his hands, carefully twisting it around. The sound of the TV plays in Ricky's ears, but he focuses on the other boy's breathing instead.

Ricky currently has his head set on Gyuvin's lap as they watch a movie. The room is completely silent other than for the sound of the playing movie and the sound of the washing machine from another room.

The movie that they are watching, it's about an ideal love. The movie is too predictable, even when sad. The most boring movie he has ever watched, if you ask him.

As the girl kisses the boy, Ricky hears Gyuvin scoff beside him. He purposefully looks up at him in wonder

"What?" he asks. Gyuvin doesn't take his eyes off of the TV, but very clearly hears Ricky's question

"I've never watched such a bad movie," Gyuvin says. Ricky furrows his eyes, half in agreement, and half in curiosity


"It's stupid. I mean, boring" Gyuvin answers. Ricky hums in agreement before looking away from the boy, back towards the long-lasting movie

"It's interesting though" Gyuvin says

"What is?" Ricky asks, watching as the girl smiles sweetly at the boy, placing her hands on his face, a small tear of happiness rolling down her cheeks

"The way movies are made to be realistic, yet most of them have no reality to them. They make it predictable, but the biggest humanity in life is how unpredictable it is." Gyuvin says. Ricky smiles

"I agree. Since when do you analyse movies?" he asks with a light laugh. Gyuvin chuckles, still playing with Ricky's hair

"Since never. It's just pure obvious"

Ricky nods before parting his head from Gyuvin's lap. He holds the boy's eyes on his own, watching as the boy doesn't let go of his hair even when he gets up.

Ricky feels a jump on his heart as he feels Gyuvin tuck a hair behind his ear before playing with it again, his gaze resting on Ricky's eyes. Ricky watches as the colours of the movie illuminates Gyuvin's eyes, and makes a tint of colour on his skin. Ricky has never seen something so breathtaking, catching his own breath into a stance of silence. The moment stays still, and Ricky can't help but feel a rise of hope illuminate his heart

"It's beautiful," Gyuvin whispers. His eyes look like they are in a dream, hypnotised. Ricky furrows his eyebrows in slight confusion

"What is?"


Ricky feels his heart jump at the words. His eyes travel through the boy's features, not sure where to look. He searches for something to say, but the words do not form in his head. He freezes; only his eyes move

"Are you ok?" Gyuvin asks softly. Ricky nods

"Since when did you think I'm beautiful?" he asks. Gyuvin shrugs before looking back at the movie, letting go of Ricky's hair. The small bit of warmth that Ricky had from his and Gyuvin's connection, gone.

"Since a long time. It's not everyday that you see someone look good with silver hair" Gyuvin says. Ricky laughs

Friends compliment each other right? He's saying that as a friend... nothing more... sadly

"I can list a good number of people who look good with that hair color," he says. Gyuvin shrugs beside him

"You'll always be the best one," Gyuvin says. Ricky smiles to himself, comforted by a compliment hugging him.

Ricky allows himself to scoot closer to Gyuvin, letting his head rest on the boy's shoulder. He feels Gyuvin put his own head on top of his.

They watch as the boy twirls the girl around, making her laugh out loud. They watch as he pulls her in for a hug. They watch as she jumps into his arms, sighing in satisfaction. They watch as the boy kisses her again, smiling lightly.

Yet, even when they watch, they don't care. Not when they're each other's presence at least.

Ricky feels himself be engulfed by sudden darkness as the movie turns off. Only until then, he notices that Gyuvin turned it off.

"I hate this movie. Let's do something else" he says. Ricky hums in agreement, but neither of them stand up

"What do you wanna do?" Ricky asks. He feels Gyuvin shrug, making his own head move along with it

"Dunno. Let's just chill" Gyuvin says, making himself comfortable, using Ricky's head as a pillow.

Gyuvin stares at the darkness, feeling himself smile at the comfort of the life next to him. Something he had never noticed until a few weeks ago. He's never felt such a comfort, not with anyone other than Ricky.

The kind of comfort that makes him feel like the breath is taken away from him, but replaced by the solace of the other. The kind of comfort of sleep, a dream that can only bring a smile to your mouth. The kind of comfort of finding yourself at the right time, where you know what you are meant to be, where you are meant to be, and who you have always been. The kind of comfort of finding your other half, where the person understands you, helps you, listens to you.

Some call it soulmates. Gyuvin calls it comfort.

"Ricky..?" Gyuvin whispers. No answer.

The boy is conscious of the light breathing from the other. He smiles to himself, wondering how Ricky was able to fall into such a peaceful sleep in a matter of seconds.

Gyuvin lifts his head from Ricky's, trying not to move too much, since Ricky is still asleep on his shoulder. Gyuvin traces his fingers on Ricky's features, getting used to the darkness bit by bit. The boy's features slowly make their way to Gyuvin's eyes. He traces his finger through the boy's sharp jawline, onto his slim cheeks, up to his eyebrows, and finally down to his lips.

They rest there. Everything is visible to Gyuvin now. Everything.

Gyuvin leans down to Ricky, his hand going back to the boy's cheek. He feels his heart jump as he leans closer, feeling the warmth of the other boy engulf him in

He feels his lips touch Ricky's forehead

He pulls away, his heart beating at a faster pulse than ever before. His eyes allow him to travel his gaze at Ricky's face again before placing his head back on Ricky's, smiling to himself before whispering:

"Thank you for being my favourite movie"

haobin extra tmr!

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