bad blood

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I enter the house, exhausted from all the numbers playing inside my head. And to make it better, the first person I see when I enter, is my step mother.

Great. Just great.

I sigh walk slowly through the hallway, making sure to not catch her attention. That's until I hear her laugh, and a hand on my shoulder.

"No need to run away," she chuckles, and leads me into the living room, sitting me down "how was school today?"

"Okay." I answer and roll my eyes ever so slightly. 

The thing is, Agnes isn't a bad person, but she's not good either. She won't ever leave me alone, even when she knows that I don't want to have a good relationship with her. She follows me everywhere at home, asking if I need something, or just staying in my room to talk about the most random bullshit. I can't have one hour alone without her interrupting me. That's why I don't like her. No hard feelings or whatever right?

I also have a step sister. She's just a few years younger than me, going through puberty, rude, always out with friends, loves wearing baggy clothes. Yeah, you can picture it. Now she, she is a bad person. I've never really said it to her face or anything, because we simply never talk, but she's a horrible person. Is not that she says anything rude to you, but its the exact opposite. She simply never talks to anyone except her friends. She slams her door in your face if you try to enter, she ignores you when you tell her something, and she never even looks at us. It's not that I care, but I do find it kinda annoying.

"Good? That's nice to hear. You know how you're having summer break soon right?" She asks, and I nod my head. "Well, I was thinking that we go camping, all four of us. It will help everyone to get closer." 

I raise an eyebrow imagining, if we did do the camping trip, how that would turn out. It's not a very pretty sight.

"And you think father will come? Are you serious?" I scoff. My dad would never. He's never home, working until late at night, and sometimes, he doesn't even come back home and stays in his company. There is no way he would possibly agree to a camping trip. It's useless in his mind, and it is to me as well. I would probably, and most definetely, lock myself in my tent, and only come out when it is time to eat. As for Jude, she'll definetely place her tent at least one kilometer away from us. 

"I mean, I can try to convince him?"

"No. I don't want to. Take your shitty idea somewhere else."

"Hanbin, I swear-"

"I don't want to. Neither will Jude. None of us want this, except for you," I look at her, feeling no guilt whatsoever. The shape of her eyes narrow, but I don't care "I'm going to go study. Don't interrupt me."

I walk away, running up the stairs. Jude passes by me, holding a small purse, and typing away on her phone. She probably didn't notice me. I enter my room, and jump onto my bed, closing my eyes and start to meditate in the silence. That is, until I hear the front door slam downstairs. Probably Jude. I swear, her attitude is getting on my nerves.

I sigh, getting up from my bed, and take out all of my school books. I slam all of them onto my desk and open Ricky's Bio notebook. I look at the messy handwriting in front of me, scowling. How the fuck am I supposed to read that. I close it harshly and throw it across the room. I take my own Bio book out, and nearly cry at the lack of notes I took today.


Ricky walks towards me, grinning widely. I roll my eyes and shove his Bio notebook at him. 

"What the fuck is this?" I ask. He frowns in a questioning way.


"Your handwriting. It sucks." I say simply, and he laughs.

"Sorry, your Highness." 

I just scoff and continue to walk. Ricky follows behind me.

"Damn, what's with the attitude, man?" He asks. I shrug and take my phone out.

"Wanna hang out later today?" I ask.

"Can't. I'm busy."

"Since when are you busy? You don't even have a life though?" I say, laughing. He slaps me in the back and scoffs.

"I do have a life," he says through a smile "and anyways, I didn't decide to be busy. My aunt is coming over from the States. We're gonna have a family dinner or something."

I look over at him, knowing perfectly well how those family dinners turn out. From what I know, his family is not on very good terms. The family is technically split in half, and his uncles and aunts are practically their rivals. His parents detest them, and vice-versa. Family dinners like that never turn out well.

Ricky, almost as if he read my mind, scoffs.

"She'll probably get kicked out before we even start eating." He laughs, and so do I. I've only met his aunt once, and let's just say that there are better aunts out there.

We reach my classroom, and I peak inside to see if the teacher is already there. Thankfully, she isn't. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to see Cho. She smiles and taps my arm.

"Ready for your test?" she asks

"Test?  We aren't even in the same class"

"Oh, yeah I know. I have a friend who's in your class. She was stressing all day yesterday," she looks at me, obviously seeing my confused expression "don't tell me that you didn't study!"

I shake my head, and look at Ricky for help. Instead of helping, he laughs, and takes my shoulder before turning to Cho

"He never does anyways. Don't worry about him, he still always gets good grades" he says, before walking away. Cho glances back at me and shrugs, then runs through the opposite hallway to the one Ricky had gone through.


Do you know the 5 stages of love?

I do

First of all, there's Attraction. It's practically where you find a person perfect, and ant to spend all of your time with them. This is where you see a person like an idol, and look up to them.

Second of all, there's Curiosity. It's where you want to know a person better, and see their true colors. It's where you want to know of them, and what you're getting into.

Third of all, there's Fear. You're afraid of love. You're unfamiliar to this feeling, and if you aren't, you're afraid of falling in love again. This is where you doubt your feelings, and try to ignore the fact that you're catching feelings for this person.

Fourth of all, there's Attachment. This is where you finally confess and accept your feelings. This is where you agree that you like someone, before agreeing that you love them.

And last, but most difficult, there's the stage of Commitment. This is really where you love someone, rather than liking them. This stage is where you find the person as your home, and want it to stay like that for the rest of your life. 

Love. It's a beautiful feeling, but only when you really mean it.

Longer chapter this timeee

I actually think i'm going to do daily updates atp cuz I don't really have anything else to do

I actually have lots of chapters ready so its not like I can't do daily updates

(stream 'Roar' by tbz)

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