stranger friend

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(This chapter will not be Hanbin's POV)

"Gyuvin, I'm not asking you to beg on your knees or anything. I just need you to understand that it's difficult for me to process that I need to let you go" Ricky says, looking down at his right hand, which is being grabbed by the two hand of the other boy

"Let me go? What for? Ricky, you're not making sense! I really mean it when I say sorry. I didn't know that you felt that way... and anyways, we were-"

"Forget it Gyuvin. I don't care anymore" Ricky says, unlatching his hand from the grab of the boy opposite him. As he is about to head out of the small room that they entered as to not disturb the people in the hallway, Gyuvin grabs his hand again

"Ricky... please..." Gyuvin says, voice weak. He looks at the boy before him with wide eyes, his eyes speaking for themselves, pleading for forgiveness

"No, Gyuvin, I don't need your apology. I seriously don't care. Just know that it won't be the same. I won't waste my time with someone who can replace me as easily as you did" Ricky says, and pushes himself away from the guy he loves. His heart hurts. It hurts so much. He turns away from the boy, closing the door behind him. He doesn't cry. Of course he doesn't. He never does. But right at this moment, he wants to cry. Was this the right decision? Should he have let the other boy explain himself?

As Ricky walks away from the room he eternally wishes he could run back to and engulf Gyuvin in a hug, he spots a few people coming out from their classes, even though he doesn't want any of them. Ricky feels panic overwhelm him, a vulnerable and hurt soul laying in the middle of a hallway, people that he doesn't know taking turns to look at him, some looking at him kindly, and others in the rudest way possible. Nevertheless, to him, they all seemed terrifying. Ricky panics, and suddenly pushes through the crowd of teenagers, running to the nearest bathroom, sweat tickling at his forehead and neck.

If only he had stayed there, with Gyuvin. No... what is he talking about? Gyuvin hurt him, even if it wasn't intentionally. He still hurt him.

Ricky staggers into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door himself. The door provides a loud bang once it comes crashing down onto the door frame, making Ricky jump. He takes deep breaths before walking up to one of the sinks and putting some cold water over his face and a bit on his hair. The water slid down his neck and onto the white dress shirt from his school uniform. Suddenly, Ricky feels warm. Extremely warm. He violently unlatches two of the shirt's buttons, airing his face with his hands, swinging them one side to another

"Ricky, right?" A voice sounds out, making Ricky jump for the second time of the day. He was so invested in his own thoughts to notice a strangely familiar guy enter the bathroom

"Yeah? You are...?"

"Zhang Hao. I'm Cho's brother" the boy says, sitting down at the side of the sink, far from Ricky.

"Oh. Yeah, I saw you the other day"

"Yeah" Zhang Hao says, smiling kindly at Ricky. The boy immediately trusts the stranger in front of him. He seems so kind and open, like someone that someone can trust with absolutely anything. A good friend, just like Hanbin.

"Hey, are you ok? You seemed kind of lost back there in the hallway" Zhang Hao says

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Zhang Hao"

"Just call me Hao" The boy says, smiling at Ricky. The boy feels warmer towards the boy, despite not knowing him. Something about his smile just makes him seem so mature and trustworthy

"If you need any help, just tell me, yeah?" Hao says, jumping to the ground, and dusts his pants off. Ricky smiles back weakly and nods. As Hao nears the bathroom door, Ricky calls out

"Actually, Hao, I do have a problem. I just don't want to tell Hanbin about it. Do you know Hanbin?" Ricky asks. Hao nods lightly

"Why don't you want to tell him?" Hao asks. Ricky shrugs

"I trust him with all my life, but I know that he will just tell me to let it go. But I just don't think it's right..."

"Let go of what?"

"Of a guy. A boy I like"

And so, Ricky explains everything to Zhang Hao. He has tears roll down his cheeks, but immediately disappear in the start of a second. He spills it all, his emotions, clinging to his school bag. Hao comforts him, sliding a hand up and down his back, just listening and humming at what the boy says to show him that he's listening intently. Once Ricky finishes speaking, he's out of breath, inhaling heavily, head looking down. In Hao's opinion, the boy looks like a mess.

"Look, not to go against Hanbin's opinion or anything, but instead of ignoring it and letting him go, first try to talk to him. Listen to what Gyuvin has to say, and try to understand. Once you do that, and you still want to cut your relationship, that's where you should let him go. Just try to understand him first." Hao says, his soft smile never leaving his face. Ricky feels overwhelmed with assurance and nods

"I think you're right. I just don't know how to approach him" He replies

"Do it like a normal person. Walk up to him and tell him that you guys need to talk. When he agrees, first tell him that you'll listen to him, but that you might still not forgive him. Also try to express your actual emotions, yeah?" He says. Ricky nods again and takes the kind stranger by the hands

"Thanks Hao. Didn't know that the brother of one of my best friend's girlfriend could help me out so much" Ricky says, smiling broadly, thankful toward the other boy. Hao just nots, his eyebrows furrowing

"Are Cho and Hanbin dating?"

"No.... but to me they practically are. They're all lovey-dovey with each other y'know" he replies, shrugging. Hao opens his mouth slightly in understandment and nods

"Alright then, good luck. Come to me if you need anyone to talk to, ok?"

"Yeah, thanks Hao" Ricky walks slowly toward the exit, but Hao calls out to him almost before he can open the heavy door

"Ricky, by the way, does Hanbin accept, well... y'know... gay people?" He asks. Ricky laughs, slightly surprised at the sudden question

"I mean, he supports me, so I guess so," he says. Hao nods, thanking him, and with that, their conversation ends, and Ricky runs to the small room in which he last saw Gyuvin.

No cuz when I tell you that I've been kicking my feet around and giggling at y'alls comments 😭😭🤭🤭💀 

(I just managed to read all of the latest comments today and I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this ff)

Also don't ask me how I managed to write a whole chapter and publish it, cuz I honestly have no idea lmao. It's currently 22:30 and I managed to write something within the time of midnight. I'm so proud of myself fr

Anywayssss what do you guys think will happen between Gyuvin and Ricky??

(stream 'baggy jeans' by nct)

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