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"Finally! Last day of school" Ricky says, jumping up and down next to me. We are walking through crowded hallways, people rushing to go outside to see their friends, or rushing to get to class to get a good seat.

"Aren't you a bit too excited?" I ask. Ricky shakes his head

"Nah bro, I'll get to hang out with Gyuvin the whole summer-"

"Gyuvin? So you guys are all good now?" I ask. I see Ricky's ears turn slightly red

"We talked it out, I guess," he says



"Hey... Gyuvin?" Ricky says quietly, walking into the small room. As he expected, the boy is still inside, hands hugging his knees. Gyuvin looks up at Ricky, eyes watery. As he opens his mouth, Ricky beats him to it

"I'll let you explain yourself. I'm sorry I didn't before. Don't expect me to forgive you though" he says, sitting in front of his old friend

"Ricky... I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt the way you did. Taerae... you know how he was new to the school in the middle of the year?"


"He came to live with me and my family. That's why we're always hanging out. Whenever you called me, I was always mostly at my house with Taerae. 

"Why does he live there? What about his family?"

"They sent him here. His parents are good friends of mine, and because they're always on business trips, they sent him with us to make him feel less lonely. Tearae's a really nice guy, Ricky, but I get why it bothered you"

"You do?"

"Yeah, of course. I mean, if my best friend suddenly distanced themselves from me to hang out with another person, I would also feel pretty shitty" Gyuvin says. Ricky hums in response

That's not why I feel bad... I like you, Gyuvin

"Ricky, please forgive me. I really didn't want to make you feel bad. I just wasn't aware that it would hurt you that bad. Shit, I didn't even know that you thought of me as a friend!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we always fight here and there. You act distant all the time, even when we hang out. You act like you hate me, but then act like you don't. It's very confusing to me too, y'know that right?" Gyuvin says. They stay in silence for a while, looking at each other. Ricky feels hurt, not knowing that that's how Gyuvin felt this whole time

"I'm sorry too. I didn't know you felt like that"

"Why did you act like that though? You don't act like that with your other friends" Gyuvin asks

Because I like you

"I don't know. I guess it is just an instinct. I guess I sometimes felt like you didn't like my presence, so I would kinda try to back off" Ricky answers finally. Gyuvin hums

"So... are we all good now?" He asks quietly. Ricky looks at him and smiles lightly

"I guess"

Back to the present

"So... was there a reason as to why you didn't come to school the next day?" I ask

"Oh, that was just because I wanted to study. There was no point in coming if I had no exams" Ricky answers. I laugh

"Sound like you. Anyways, are you still going to the beach thing with Jiwoong?"

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