'friendly' fight

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"Are those her friends?" Cho asks, looking at the group of people as Jude walks away with them.

"Not from what I know of? I've never seen them come to my house" I reply. The weird part is that Jude, from the back, looks tense as hell. She practically looks like a rock next to them, getting ready to be thrown and kicked.

"I don't like the look of that," I say

"Of what?" Cho asks

"I don't know... something seems wrong," I reply. Someone taps my shoulder and turn around to see Ricky looking surprised.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, Gyuvin and Yujin next to him

"I came to get ice cream."


"Look, Ricky, I think whatever you're going say right now is less important than that," I say, pointing at the exact time as Jude and the teenagers round a corner.

"What?" Ricky asks

"It's Jude"

"I know. What about her?"

"Ugh, never mind, I'll be right back," I say, racing away toward the direction in which Jude and the other people went. I feel a weird feeling in my chest. Something's not right. If they were Jude's friends, she would've looked happy. She wouldn't have looked... troubled. As I round the corner, I immediately hide away, seeing Jude leaning against the wall while the other people are standing in front of her. 

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder, only to see Zhang Hao and Cho next to me. Hao puts a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. I just nod and look again toward where my step-sister and the teenagers are.

"Why don't you just give in?" one of the people say

"Because I don't want to?" Jude replies back, calmly

"Jude, the more you deny it, the more you will get hit," another boy says

"Eunwoo, have you ever considered that your threats are getting boring to me?"

"What?" The boy called Eunwoo asks. I see his hands curling into fists

"I mean, you keep telling me that you'll beat me up, and you always do. But you're just wasting your energy. I mean, you should step up your game a little" Jude replies, her voice calmer than I've ever heard it

"So you want something worse than a beating up?" a girl says, laughing

"No, I never said that I want it. I'm just saying that you guys are really bad at it. If you see that a beating up doesn't work, then you clearly have to have a plan B, right?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you really that much of a sad person to be able to give us advice?" another girl says, walking up to Jude and taking her face into her hands, then slapping her "How pathetic".

I hold my breath as I see her slap my sister, and as I'm about to go give those kids a piece of my mind, Zhang Hao holds my hand and pulls me away, shaking his head. I look at Cho, who is also looking at me. I stare at them, confused. Hao sighs and comes closer to me

"don't do anything yet. They're too many people. I'll go get your friends" he whispers into my ears. I look him in the eyes once he finishes talking and nod my head, feeling grateful that he is willing to help my sister. Zhang Hao nods back and runs away, going to look for Ricky, Gyuvin, and Yujin. Cho grabs my arm and turns me around to look at the scene in front of us. 

There is Jude, fire in her eyes, but her expression is somehow calm. There, she somehow looks strong and brave in front of all these teenagers, even though she is the vulnerable one. 

"You guys really think I'm scared of you?"

"If you don't, that means you're just ignorant"

"It's the opposite actually. Every time that you guys beat me up, or even speak to me, I feel less and less scared."

"Is that so?" a boy says, going closer to Jude

"Yes, I literally just said it. What? Did you think I was joking?" she replies, her voice sarcastic. To my dismay, I see the boy raise his arm, eyes red with madness, his hands placed into fists. I freeze and put my hands over my eyes as I see the boy swing his arms at her, but he falls before he can even strike her. I open my hands a little bit more, only to see Zhang hao before the boy.

"Who the fuck are you?" The boy says, standing up after dusting off his clothes

"How does it matter? Do you think this is funny? Beating up a girl? Do you think it's fair?"

"It doesn't need to be fair," A girl says, walking up next to the boy

"I wonder why. Maybe you guys are scared that if there were as many Judes as you, you guys would get your asses beaten up, huh?" Zhang Hao looks at the girl "And you called her pathetic" He says. The girl scoffs and looks at Eunwoo, who walks toward Hao

"This has nothing to do with you, boy"

"Don't call me boy, kid. I'm one year older than you guys." Hao says, taking a step backward in disgust, looking Eunwoo up and down "Oh, wait! I recognize you. You're the guy that repeated two times, right? Nevermind then, you're older than me" he says, smiling. Eunwoo looks at him, annoyed, and pushes him back harshly. At that point, I reach my limit, and I march toward the boy, punching him with all my force

"Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Do you enjoy putting all your sadness onto other people?" I shout at Eunwoo. I see Cho helping Hao to stand up. I see Jude looking surprised, but most of all, angry. Rick goes to her and takes her arm, leading her further away from the crowd of teenagers

"I'm not satisfied, actually. You're Jude's brother, aren't you?"

"so what?" I say

"Well, your sister is in debt. I need something from her"

"Well, too bad, because she doesn't want to," I say, pushing him away "Respect a child's decision"

Gyuvin walks toward us, leading Yujin with him by the arm

"Hanbin, just stop. Let's go" Gyuvin says, Yujin looking absolutely terrified behind him

"Now, who the fuck are you," a girl says, pointing at Gyuvin

"I'm Gyuv-"

"Yujin?" Eunwoo says, looking at the boy next to Gyuvin. Yujin looks up, his eyes wide in fear

"Long time no see, Yujinnie," One of the girls says, smiling evilly "We missed you"

No cuz wtf is this chapter

Just remember that I was half asleep while writing this ig. I rll thought that it would turn out better but nvm 

As y'all can tell, I'm really bad at writing action scenes or any stuff like that.

Anyways, happy 5th birthday for all the stays out there!!

(stream 'roller coaster' by nmixx)

P.S. the new book that I'm writing is called 'the Start of the End', and the information chapter fo the ff is already out! The first chapter will be published tmr. Pls look forward to it! :) 

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