✨Chapter 23✨

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I figured out why it took me so long to make this chapter. 😔 Really, I don't like writing Sophie's POV as much, because it takes place during a very specific part in the PJO timeline, and there's a lot of information from the book that can't be skipped, so it just feels like copy and paste, and I can't really use my ideas that I want to. With Percy's POV, the KotLC timeline NEEDS Sophie to progress, so I can just pause that timeline and let Percy explore the elf world, and I can use all of my ideas. Ik that's not an excuse, and I will try harder to not leave a three month gap between chapters.


The vans dropped off the campers at the Empire State Building by late afternoon. Anyone 12 years old or younger were setting up base at the Plaza. Everyone ran off to their respective stations.

All the counselors met up in the lobby of the Empire State Building. The security guard was noticeably absent. Men and women in business attire sat slumped in the waiting chairs. A few people lay curled up dozing on the ground. They spent about ten minutes dragging the mortals to a corner of the lobby.

Annabeth grabbed a key from behind the desk, and they all entered the elevator. 'Stayin' Alive' played from the speakers, and Sophie tried to imagine terrifying monsters squished into the elevator, the Bee Gees breaking the silence.

"Whoa." Sophie's eyes widened at the sight of Olympus. After so much time with the elves and their crystal structures, it was refreshing to see a change of pace. White marble temples perched at the edges of cliffs, terraces gracing the sides of a mountain, all leading up to a gleaming white and gold building at the top. The smell of rose, hiacynth, and poppies danced through the air.

And yet, among all the beauty, something was terribly wrong.

"Where is everybody?" Annabeth worried. "Even if the gods are off fighting Typhon, there should be some nymphs, or minor gods left to defend Olympus. Surely Athena wouldn't leave Olympus completely undefended..." She trailed off, her gray eyes following a bright blue streak of light. They hit an invisible shield, energy fizzing out across light lightning. "Let's get to the palace.

The pathway to palace contained of a hodgepodge of floating stones, dirt paths, and marble. It seemed like the whole mountain was sitting on top of the clouds. Sophie shuddered to think of what would happen if you fell off the path.

Inside the palace, twelve enormous thrones were arranged in a circle along the edge of the room. The ceiling showed a picture of the night sky, stars glittering across the marble. In the very center of the room was a large bonfire with multicolor flames. Right above it was a floating sphere of water with a cow, snake looking hybrid. It moo-ed at them, as if being reunited with a friend.

A woman wearing a plain brown dress was sitting next to the fire. Her presence emanated the kindness and warmth that reminded Sophie of home. Marty's low purr that sent her to sleep back when she lived with her human family, the scent of Alfredo sauce wafting through the house, dinosaurs growling in the pastures, Iggy snoring like a chainsaw.

"Hello, demigods. Hello, Sophie Foster." 

"Lady Hestia." Annabeth bowed, and the other campers followed suit.

"I see you have joined the half-bloods, Sophie." Hestia spoke in a soothing, yet strict voice. "Yet you do not understand what is happening behind the scenes, what drives this war. Perhaps you need a bit of insight."

(This next part is practically copy and paste from the book, btw)

She locked eyes with Sophie, and her mind was filled with images. She saw a dark alley between red brick warehouses. A sign above one of the doors read RICHMOND IRONWORKS.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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