✨Chapter 12✨

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The farther into the forest, the darker and denser the trees became. Though it was early afternoon, the thick canopy of leaves let in only the smallest glimpses of light. A river gurgled in the distance, insects buzzed, and birds chirped, all normal sounds for a forest, but Sophie could feel something else.

"Where exactly are we going?" Sophie asked.

"If anyone would know where Percy is, it would be Grover. He's a satyr, by the way. I figured we would ask the Council of Cloven Elders if they know where he is. I've only ever come with other people, so I'm not 100% sure where it is. I have a general idea. I think it's in a grove just east of here." Annabeth carefully climbed over a fallen tree. 

It had been a while since she'd done this, but Sophie closed her eyes and stretched out her consciousness, listening. She could hear three thoughts, two louder, one soft and gentle like a breeze in the distance to her right. To her left, she heard Annabeth's assessing thoughts, thinking about strategy, navigating, and a teenager with a charming grin and black hair. It looked like a memory. The boy and Annabeth stood back-to-back, weapons brandished at huge scorpions. Sophie pushed Annabeth's thoughts away, trying to respect her privacy. Behind her, she heard the bustling voices of campers, thinking about training. 

Sophie opened her eyes, then put a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "I know where they are." She pointed in the direction of the thoughts. "They are pretty far away though. I could get us there faster. Do you have a memory of that place? I can teleport us there if I see the memory."

Annabeth's eyes widened. "Won't someone see?"

Sophie shook her head. "No one is around, so it'll be safe. I need your permission to enter your mind. I won't do anything except see the memory."

Annabeth nodded, and Sophie sheathed Hope, and placed two fingers on her temples, entering Annabeth's mind. Inside was a clutter of maps, memories, and thoughts, sweeping her along like a river. She fought to keep her place, as a memory tumbled forward of a grove of trees, three seats carved out of wood sat on a raised dais, surrounded by grape vines, kudzu, and pine needles. She focused on the trees in the background, deciding it was safer to arrive a bit away from the Council. She could feel Annabeth struggling to hold her thoughts back, so Sophie opened her eyes and severed the connection. 

"Alright. It's a little scary, but try not to scream." Annabeth raised an eyebrow but nodded. Sophie grabbed her hand and started levitating them up. Annabeth flailed a bit, but pressed her lips together, eyes wide. 

"You guys can fly now?" Annabeth hissed. 

Sophie repressed a smile, trying to keep her focus. "Free-falling is the easiest way to teleport."

"Great." Annabeth groaned. 

"Ok, up in three, two, one!" They shot up, breaking branches and sending leaves flying. They went higher and higher, until the camp was a speck.

Annabeth shut her eyes. "We aren't going to go splat, right?" 

Sophie smiled. "Probably not. Let's go!" They dropped, right as Annabeth screamed "WHAT?" Annabeth flailed, hand covering her mouth. Sophie tuned her out, focusing on the buzzing in the back of her mind, building it until her brain felt like it was about to explode. she shoved the force out of her mind, just a few feet away from the top of the trees. Thunder clapped and they slipped into the void. 

"Where are we?" Annabeth whispered beside her.

"This is the void. Don't worry, I can get us out." Sophie imagined the grove, and they tumbled out of the void, crashing onto a bush and sending birds flying. 

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