✨Chapter 14✨

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This chapter is dedicated to Too_Many_Fandoms999 for being the ABSOLUTE best! Always commenting and voting, and showing love to my story. Luv u boo! ❤️❤️❤️


By the time Sophie had finished explaining and answering Thalia and Grover's questions, it was almost time for dinner. Chiron told them to go get ready for dinner. Capture the Flag was scheduled directly after dinner.

Sophie and Annabeth raced back to their cabin, arriving just as the dinner horn rang. They lined up in rank of seniority, so Sophie was dead last. Walking to the dining pavilion, Sophie realized how small the camp actually was. Most cabins had at least 10, but a few had even less. 

Sophie sat between Annabeth and Malcom. She and Malcom had become close, after she won the race and stood up to Clarisse, and very close to Annabeth, considering all the time and experiences they already shared. She'd managed to get some of her favorite desserts from the nymphs who served them. She wasn't sure how, but they'd conjured up toasty turnovers, mallowmelt, and sweetberry swirls. With their magical goblets, she was able to get some much-needed Water of Youth, and lushberry juice. 

IDK what to say! It isn't technically 'Bottle of Youth, because it isn't technically a bottle, but 'Water of Youth' sounds wrong. 

Annabeth and Malcom nearly passed out when they tried Mallowmelt for the first time, then and proceeded to eat all her desserts. 

"My mom loves to bake", Sophie explained when Malcom asked. 

"Well, your mom is amazing." He responded, taking another bite of mallowmelt. "So, is your dad your human parent?" 

"Actually, I was adopted." Sophie replied kind of awkwardly. 

"Oh! Sorry for prying," Malcom responded kindly. Malcom reminded her of Sophie a bit. Messy blonde hair, always making jokes, and loves Edaline's baking. The thought made her heart hurt. She missed Keefe so much. He would love it here, and would totally show off. 

"So, we have an alliance with Apollo, and Hermes cabins. We are obviously going to win, but just to be safe, I'm going to post you, Sophie, and guard at our base. I know fighting isn't your favorite, and there probably won't be any at the base."

Sophie tilted her head. "You know how 'stealthy' I am. I could sneak up to their base, steal the flag, and be gone before anyone notices." Sophie transmitted a message to her. 'Stealthy' means 'teleporting' or 'Telepathy' or 'my superspeed'.

Annabeth took another bite of food, nodded, which Sophie took as permission to enter her mind, and Annabeth thought, How would your telepathy help?

I can track people's thoughts and see where they are. I'll know where not to teleport. I'll teleport to their base, steal the flag, then run back to our base.

Annabeth nodded, then said out loud, "That's a good idea. Will you need backup?"

Sophie thought for a moment. "No, that'll just slow me down."

"Well," Annabeth stood up, grabbing her now empty plate, "I guess we'll see how well our plan works." Everyone stood up, dispensing their plates, then getting their armor put on.

Sophie would never get used to the feeling of 50 pounds of solid metal weighing her down. "Ugh, I probably look ridiculous." She muttered under her breath. She stretched in the back of her team while Annabeth explained the plan.

"Alright. Our game plan is a little different today. I have a small stealth team prepared. They will go around and behind the Ares base, steal the flag, then come back. 5 guards will be stationed at our base, Zeus's Fist, and everyone else will be with me, leading the attack. We need to keep them distracted, that's on you Stoll brothers. Distract the guards as much as you can for the stealth team. Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded and cheered. Seemed like a solid plan. Annabeth ran into the forest, dagger held high and everyone following her. Sophie trailed behind, slipping into the forest when they reached the clearing that held Zeus's Fist. She crouched behind a bush, opened her mind, and listened for Clarisse's loud and brutal thoughts. She was thinking of the archery course. Sophie had been there a few times.

She shut of the connection, then started levitating upwards as fast as she could. When she reached the clouds, she dropped, slipping into the void. She didn't immediately teleport to the Ares base, partly to give the Stoll brothers enough time to get there, but mostly to calm her racing heart. She was heading into what was probably a battle zone, filled with people who hated her. Adrenaline pumped through her veins so fast, her heart hurt.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, then dropped out of the void, far enough away that Clarisse wouldn't be able to see. She'd had the perfect chance to explore past the archer range when several of her arrows flew past her target and she had to collect them.

She crept forward, crouched down, senses alert, and mind opened for thoughts. She could hear the grumbling thoughts of a guard who had been stuck with guard duty. Only two guards. She could see the archery range now, and saw the flag planted between two targets, and the guards on either side of it, backs turned to her.

She suddenly had an amazing idea. The Stoll brothers were still nowhere in sight. She concentrated on the ground in front of the guards, imagined a seed, then grew it with her concentration.

BOOM! The ground exploded, sending the guards crashing into the targets, rubbing dirt and grass out of their eyes. She knew an opportunity when she saw one. She dashed forward, grabbed the flag, and ran like her life depended on it.

She bolted out of the archery range, barely glancing at the now approaching Stoll brothers, and closed her eyes. She pinned down Annabeth's thoughts, now with a clear path in front of her. Desperately channeling energy into her legs, she pumped her arms, gaining more and more speed. She vaulted over a fallen tree, and heard the sounds of fighting in front of her.

Sophie opened her eyes and saw all the campers fighting on either side of the river. Swords flashed, clanging together and banging on shields. Nervously, she realized that there wasn't any clear path for her to cross into her territory.

ANNABETH She transmitted to Annabeth as loud as she could. IM HERE I NEED A PATH!

She locked eyes with Sophie, then yelled an order in Greek that her racing mind couldn't translate. A gap just big enough for her to slip through appeared in the middle of the fighting.

Yes! Sophie thought. I'm going to make it!

Then Clarisse came barreling into her from the side, sending Sophie sprawling, and the flag fell out of her hands. All eyes turned to her.

And the flag.

Chaos broke loose. Everyone fought to get to the flag. Her instincts took over. She drew her dagger, sprinted to the flag, and blocked a sword coming for her head with her dagger. She crouched, spring her leg out, spun, and kicked the inside of Clarisse's knee, causing her to fall forward. Sophie rolled under a shield, sprang to her feet, and vaulted over a fallen camper. Everyone was shouting, fighting, and shoving.

Just a little farther! She poured all her energy into her sprint, her feet barely touching the ground and leaving the pandemonium behind. With one final leap, she crossed the river, into friendly territory.

"Winner!" Chiron announced. Everyone stopped fighting and stared. The silence was so thick, it was hard to breathe. Or maybe Sophie was just having a heart attack. Her legs shook from the strain, and it was all she could do not to collapse.

Then Clarisse broke then silence. She charged forward, and shoved Sophie's shoulders. "Who are you really? No way you could have gone that fast. You're no demigod." She spat in her face.

Annabeth rushed over, ready with an excuse for Sophie. "Back off Clarisse! You're just mad that Sophie beat you twice!" A deep growl broke the fight. Everyone turned to stare at a pair of glowing red eyes and gleaming fangs. Then a shadow of death pounced at Sophie.

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