✨1k special✨

261 9 34

The Date

❤️❤️❤️Hey guys! This is a special chapter celebrating 1k reads! I also may or may not be stalling for Chapter 18. 👀 This story doesn't take place in the KotLC canon timeline, or in my story. It's a SoKeefe chapter, cause SoFitz can die in a ditch for all I care. 💅 I also didn't want there to be any wrong impressions. If you've read my introduction, you know that I don't write smut. So yeah. Also, I found this song and thought YES! Anyways, enjoy!❤️❤️❤️

Sophie woke from another restless night of sleep. Another night, another nightmare about the Neverseen. Her brain must have been working overtime, this one was particularly creative and detailed how they would lose to the Neverseen.

Sophie sat up and stretched, blinking in the bright sunlight filtering through her blinds. She stumbled through her morning routine, feeling particularly sore and groggy.

"Your hair looks like one of the Pures." Vertina pointed out helpfully.

Sophie rolled her eyes and brushed out her hair, tying it into a basic ponytail.

"Mrs. Foster?" Sandor knocked on her door, peeking his head in. "You have a letter."

Sophie's mind immediately worried about what the letter could be. A summons from the council? Bad news from the Black Swan?

She unrolled the scroll Sandor handed to her. She blushed when she read the message.

Meet me here tonight at 9.


Attached to the scroll was a leaping crystal.

"I assume that's a leaping crystal," Sandor said with a raised eyebrow. "I hope you know that anywhere that leads, I will be going."

Sophie rolled her eyes, still blushing. "Yeah, yeah, I go where you go."

"I'm guessing that's from Keefe?" Flori asked  from behind Sandor.

Sophie glanced away, trying to hide her blush. "Maybe."

Flori grinned. A new voice asked, "What's from Keefe?"

Sophie groaned inwardly. Her adoptive mother strode into the room, smiling knowingly. "What is that, hmmm?"

Sophie rolled her eyes again, then showed Edaline the note.

Edaline grinned and said, "I'll help you get ready. Later. Right now, we have a Spinasorous  coming in soon, and I need your help."

Idk how to spell Spinasorous OK! ☠️

Turns out, trying to get an angry, purple, feathery dinosaur to behave sounded just as hard as it was. By the end, Sophie was covered in mud, feathers, and dino spit. 

Edaline laughed when she saw Sophie's messy appearance. "Why don't you go get a shower. I'll have dinner up for you by the time you are done. Then I'll help you get ready."

Sophie sped through a shower, wanting to have plenty of time to get ready, and to go through the endless lectures about being safe, and that Sandor was going with her, and the usual 'Boy Talk'. 

When she got out of the shower, she was expecting her room to be strewn with gowns and high heels. Instead, there was a huge gray hoodie that looked suspiciously familiar, plain black leggings, and fluffy slippers. 

Edaline walked in with a tray of colorful food. "Shouldn't I wear something nice? And how did you guys get this?" Sophie asked. The hoodie was in fact a Comfy. A human thing. She couldn't imagine Edaline sneaking away and buying a Comfy, even if she had any human money. 

Edaline smiled playfully. "A package came while you were in the shower. This was in it. I must say, it looks very comfortable. I might steal it from you later." 

"But who's it from?" Sophie smiled, already guessing.


Sophie grinned and took the clothes with her to change. It was very comfortable. It definitely made her wonder what the date was. 

Her and Keefe's relationship was still fairly new, and they had only gone on one other date; a picnic in a gorgeous meadow. It was going to be hard to top that one. 

Fast forward past Boy Talk and now she's about to leave.

Edaline pulled Sophie into a huge, then whispered in her ear, "Have fun, ok?"

Sophie nodded. "I love you guys!" She waved, grabbed Sandor's hand, held up Keefe's leaping crystal, and stepped into the warm light.

They glittered into a beautiful field. Sophie looked around in wonder, open mouthed. The grass reached up past her knees, feeling soft and healthy. Flowers grew almost as much as the grass, glowing in soft pinks and purples. The stars glittered against the dark sky, with a full moon glowing in all of its brilliance.

And Keefe.

He stood a few feet away next to a blanket spread out with pillows, comforters, food, and a computer. He was wearing a matching Comfy.

"How?" Sophie was grinning so much. Keefe really was the best boyfriend ever.

Keefe grinned back. "I had a bit of help."

Sophie rushed forward, crushing him in a hug. "It's perfect! I love it. I love you!"

Keefe laughed, kissing the top of her head. "I know how much you liked our last date, and how much you like stargazing, and how you miss human movies. So I decided to combine them!" He took her hand and sat down on the blanket.

"How did you get all this human stuff?" Sophie picked up the computer.

Keefe shrugged. "Dex helped a lot." He turned on the computer, opening Disney+.

Sophie leaned against his shoulder, staring up at the stars. "Well, it's perfect. Thank you."

"What movie should we watch?" Keefe asked, scrolling through the options.

"Rapunzel. It was always my favorite Disney movie." Sophie answered immediately.

(Fight me 🤨 BTW, I'm only saying of classic Disney. Hamilton is obviously the GOAT.)

Sophie and Keefe spent the night stargazing, watching movies, talking, and eating E. L. Fudges. Sandor had graciously allowed them privacy, deciding to patrol around the field. 

Sophie smiled. "Why don't you tell me about this Great Gulon Incident? Ya know, I never heard the full story."

Keefe smirked. "Now, if I had done it, I could tell you every little detail. But from what I've heard..." Sophie was asleep before he started.

❤️❤️❤️I am SO sorry it took this long for another chapter. I must have chronic procrastination or smth. 😅 I hope you guys liked this chapter, and I PROMISE to be better about releasing chapters. Luv u guys!❤️❤️❤️

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