✨Chapter 15✨

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Sophie ducked and rolled to the side, barely missing the black scorpion tail that slammed into the ground where her head was just a second ago. She came up in a crouch, holding Hope in one hand, the other outstretched.

The terrifying creature in front of her looked like a hellhound at first look, but it's tail was long, with a scorpion's barb on the end. Huge, black, feathered wings sprouted from the creature's back and were spread wide, blocking her from the rest of the group.

Annabeth vaulted onto the creature's back, holding her dagger under the creature's neck with one hand, and trying to steer the creature the other direction with her other hand. Chiron drew his bow, and Sophie couldn't see what the other campers were doing.

Chiron shot several arrows into the creature's side, causing it to howl in pain. It bucked then launched into the sky, Annabeth hanging on for her life. It snapped at Annabeth's side, and she let go, plummeting towards the ground.

"NO!" She wasn't sure who said it. Maybe it was everyone. Sophie held her hand out, and Annabeth stopped falling. She floated midair flailing, and everyone stared.

The creature growled and dove towards Annabeth. Several more arrows sprouted on the creature's side and neck. Sophie let go of Annabeth, and she fell, landing on her side and crying out in pain.

Sophie raced towards the shadow that she assumed was Annabeth. It was completely dark now, and everything was blobs of shadows.

"That's not a monster." Annabeth gasped.

"What? You're telling me that that is not a monster?"

Annabeth nodded. "It didn't turn to dust when Chiron shot it."

The creature was still circling overhead, posing no threat at the moment. Sophie looked inside it's mind, and saw flashes of nightmares. A blonde guy with a scar on his face, black cloaked figures. A Gorgodon. A Hellhound.

Walls of flame erupted in it's mind. Sophie fought upwards, trying to get away from the flames. She gathered the reserves from the back of her mind and shoved it at the flames, then pushed up and put, back into her own body.

"Sophie, watch out!" Annabeth tried to shove her out of the way, just as the creature dove onto Sophie. It pinned her to the ground, it's sharp claws digging into her shoulders. Her dagger had fallen out of her hand, and she lay there frozen with terror. It's large jaw opened, revealing razor sharp teeth. She knew only one thing could save her.

She gathered all her fear, frustration, and tension, gathering it in her heart. She dove into it, welcoming it and shot it out in one burst. Bright red lightning shot out of her forehead, into the creature's throat. It roared in pain and it fell off of her to the side.

Sophie desperately shut off her Inflicting and rolled onto her hands and knees, gasping for breath. She was shaking so hard, she nearly collapsed. Looking over at the downed creature, she saw a trail of smoke coming from its mouth. It wasn't breating.

Sophie covered her mouth in horror. Was it dead? This wasn't one of the monsters that would be sent to Tartarus. It had already been through so much pain and suffering, and she'd killed it.

She couldn't see the other campers, but could hear their horrified thoughts.

What just happened?

Is it dead?

Red lightning?

Athena's kids can't do that.

She's not normal.

I knew it!

The last thought came from Clarisse, laced with triumph and anger.

Sophie stumbled to her feet, stomach churning, and fled into the forest.

"Sophie, wait!" That was Chiron. She didn't listen. She plunged through branches, leaves, desperate to get away from what she'd done.

You killed her.




What will everyone think?

Who would want to be friends with a KILLER?

You could have saved her!

You should have tried harder!

The camp won't let a freak help them!

She collapsed to her knees, feeling the familiar ache in her hand as her echoes stirred. The only tendrils gathered in her mind. The monster was waking up.

No, YOU'RE the monster!

She clutched her head, hyperventilating and trying to shove the monster and her dark thoughts away. Tears streamed down her face. She could small fractures around the edge of her consciousness. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

She crawled towards a tree, pressing her back to the rough bark and tilting her head back, staring at the stars throught the leaves.

No, no, no it was self defense!

Self defense.

Self defense.

What if I'd done something else? Annabeth is hurt. Because of me. You couldn't even save Annabeth!

SOPHIE? A new voice in her head.

The echo monster roared in vengeance. Her consciousness cracked. Splintered. Broke.

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