✨Chapter 11✨

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The group glittered on a paved pathway lined with neatly trimmed grass and flowers. The house was the smallest Percy had seen so far, but still more than double the size of his apartment.

The house itself was made out of square glass panels, each brightly colored, and stacked on top of each other. It was surprisingly sleek and modern compared to the other residences he had seen so far. The most noticeable thing about his residence, was the cold. Not enough to create frost, but a cold, crisp wind blew through the surrounding pine trees, cutting into his T-Shirt, and blowing his hair into his eyes. 

Sandor shoved past, marching towards the house, sword drawn, sniffing the air and looking around.

"So, you guys have bodyguards?" Percy said awkwardly.

Keefe shrugged. "Not most people. Most of our group does, along with the Councilors."

"You guys are that important? I mean, no offense, but what's so important about you?" Percy asked.

Keefe smirked, but it had a dark undertone. "Just a few death threats here and there, kidnappings, murder attempts, ya know, the usual stuff."

Percy raised his eyebrows but let the matter drop. They waited until Sandor came back out of the house and gestured that they could come in. Elwin led Keefe and Percy up the steps and into his house. Immediately, a weasel-looking creature scurried out from a hole in the hole and climbed onto Elwin's shoulder. 

Percy just stared, not even wanting to ask. The little weasel stared back with beady little eyes, then snorted, and turned away. Through the glass walls Percy could see colorful tubes going all over the walls, ceilings, and floors. Elwin led them through the house, pointing out places like the kitchen, his office, and the guest rooms. He seemed particularly enthusiastic about his room dedicated to his stuffed animal collection.

Percy tilted his head, looking at the wide array of strange animals. "Stuffed animals?"

Keefe nodded. "All the cool kids have them." He said that with a straight face.

Elwin said, "I think I have a Hellhound somewhere around here. I'll see if I can find it."

Elwin showed them their rooms, sided by side, promised clean clothes, and left Percy in his room. Sandor stood outside between the two boys' room. Percy walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, which was infinitely more comfortable than his bed at home. Shades covered the windows, blocking the evening sun. The room itself was simple. A bed, table, and chair.

He walked over to a door opposite the bed, revealing an enormous bathroom; a huge bathroom, walk-in shower, and light up vanity. Fresh towels hung on a rack, so he decided he might as well take a shower.

He stepped under the cool streams of water, closing his eyes and relaxing his tense muscles, the water instantly rejuvenating him.

How am I supposed to go to war with Kronos and go to school? Who has school in the summer? Weird. I hope the Camp will be ok. This place is so weird. But also cool. But why is everyone rich? Probably shouldn't have used my powers out in the open like that. I bet school's gonna suck. I don't need to fail elf school as well as human school. Annabeth would love it here. Percy's wandering ADHD thoughts stopped when he thought about Annabeth.

He hated that his last words with her was an argument. What if they needed his help? What if the camp was under attack right now and he couldn't do anything?

Percy leaned against the wall, all his worries pressing down on him. He couldn't escape right now, not with Sandor right outside the door. Breaking through a window would make too much noise.

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