✨Chapter 4✨

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Percy took the final step out of the Underworld cave. He stood up, feeling immensely tired and sore. Bright beams of light shone through the trees of Central park. He climbed onto Mrs. O'Leary's back and urged her forward, wanting to get out of Central Park.

They were just about to leave the park, when Mrs. O'Leary stepped into a shimmering beam of light. The world around him disappeared and he felt very odd, not in a good way. He felt like a pile of feathers being thrown around by a leaf blower. It was warm and cold at the same time, and he could feel himself getting lost in himself. The sensation lasted only a moment, then he was blasted with light.

He opened his eyes to find himself in front of a huge mansion made of glass? He wasn't sure. The light reflecting off the house bore into his brain, causing a pounding headache making him lean on Mrs. O'Leary's neck. He groaned in pain and heard shouting voices in a different language. Percy felt himself falling to the side and vaguely realized that Mrs. O'Leary was falling onto her side. Her heavy side landed on his left leg, his head smacked against a hard ground, and he lost consciousness.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was super short, but you have two more coming today, that will be longer, so don't worry 😉❤️

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