✨Chapter 8✨

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Percy opened his eyes to find himself in a small, finally lit room. The walls were made of cement, with moisture dripping off the walls, and no windows. He lay on a wooden table with chains on his arms and legs. His head hung in exhaustion, his heart pounding from the small movement.

Looking down at himself, he could see that his skin was still very pale from fading. His first thought was to escape. He could feel Riptide in his pocket.

Water, Percy thought. Concentrating, he fisted his left hand and the water on the walls collected into his right palm. Although weak, he could feel the water replenishing his strength.

A door did open across from him. In walked the most beautiful beings he had ever seen, even compared to some of the monsters he had encountered. The one in the lead was a tall, dark skinned man with curly, shoulder length black hair, a headpiece with a blue jewel resting over his forehead, and dark blue eyes. The second was a fair skinned woman with curly blond hair, dressed in a delicate gown of pink, and a corresponding headpiece with a pink jewel. The last was a striking man slightly shorter than the other two. He had close crowd black hair, a black tunic with a silver cloak, and a black jewel headpiece. The strangest thing about him, was his ears. The tips extended to a point farther than normal. Trailing behind them, looking strange in his colorful clothes and messy hair, was Elwin carrying a bag.

(Councilor Emery, Oralie, and Bronte, btw :)

The four crowded into the room, the two men standing at the foot of his bed, and the woman at his right, a hand on his shoulder. Elwin went over to Percy's left and snapped bubbles of light around him. The bright colors caused flashes of bright light, so he closed his eyes and concentrated on keeping the water on his hand.

Elwin reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of water. He lifted it to Percy's lips, and he drank gratefully.

Percy took a few deep breaths, then asked, "How long...?"

"One day." The taller man replied.

The shorter man snorted. "Yes. One day since you nearly caused an interspecies crisis."

Dread filled Percy. He already had enough problems outside of the Lost Cities. He did not need any more.

"While Elwin is working, we have a few questions for you." The taller man started. "I am Councilor Emery, and my associates are Councilor Bronte and Oralie. Firstly, how did you arrive in the Lost Cities?"

Percy took a shaky breath and started. "I don't know. It was all an accident. I was just about to to leave Central Park, then I apparently 'light leaped', then I was at a huge mansion, then I passed out. I woke up at the school, um, then, yeah..." He finished off awkwardly, wincing at his disastrous escape attempt.

"He's telling the truth." Councilor Oralie said.

"The goblins were demanding you as a prisoner for your crimes." Councilor Bronte said sharply. "You almost killed a dozen goblins. Because of the circumstances, we have brokered a truce. You will serve one week of community service, as well as attending Foxfire for that period of time. You will be under constant surveillance, as well as staying with Elwin so that he can treat you."

Percy narrowed his eyes, thinking it was too good to be true. "And after the week?"

"That will be up for further discussion. If you don't cause any more incidents during your week of probation, you will be allowed to return to the Forbidden Cities. School starts in two days." Councilor Emery snapped his fingers and the chains on Percy's arms and legs opened with a barely audible click.

Percy sat up, groaning at the pain in his sore muscles. The Councilors filed out of the room into a long corridor. He looked at Elwin. "What just happened?" Percy was so seriously confused, his brain hurt.

Elwin chuckled. "You got lucky. You could have been Exiled for attacking goblin guards like that. You are also healing a lot faster than I expected, especially considering you are human."

Percy shivered, trying not to think what Exile was. He decided not to tell them that he was a demigod, or about the blessing of Achilles. He still wasn't sure that these people weren't monsters.He swung his feet over the side and stood up shakily, leaning on Elwin.

They walked down the corridor, climbed up a flight of stairs, where Percy nearly fell about a dozen times, then emerged aboveground, greeted with blinding sunlight and fresh air. He saw the three Councillors talking to an overweight old man and a moving statue. The old man looked over at Percy and looked troubled.

"Ready?" Elwin held up a slim wand with a crystal at the end. The sunlight filtered through the crystal and shot a beam of glittering light to the ground. Percy nodded and stepped into the beam of light.

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