✨ Chapter 20✨

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❤️❤️❤️Hey guys! Plz don't kill me for taking so long 😶‍🌫️. I figured since y'all had to wait a hot minute for this, I'd make it double long for you guys. I'll also be posting an extra something for you guys a bit after this, so keep an eye out. Honestly, I don't really have an excuse for posting lol. I've just been unmotivated I guess. I promise I didn't die 😅 and I'm not ditching you guys anytime soon. ❤️❤️❤️


Percy woke up to two voices arguing outside his door. Sunlight streamed through the windows, stinging his eyes.

He groaned and pulled the covers over his head. His head was sore, pounding with every heartbeat. Someone sighed, probably Sandor based on the noticeable squeak, and the argument stopped.

Elwin opened the door, clapping twice to lift the blinds, and tossed Percy a pile of clothes. "Rise and shine! You're expected at the Sanctuary in 30 minutes. The gnomes guessed your clothing size, so they should work fine." Elwin left and closed the door.

Percy pulled the covers back, rubbing his eyes in the sunlight. He looked at the clothes, a plain brown tunic, black pants, boots, and a heavy cloak. He got up, took a hasty shower, and get dressed, amazed at how comfortable even their hastily made clothes were. 

He left his room, and saw Sandor glowering at Elwin, who was packing various vials and bottles into a medical bag at the kitchen table.

Elwin nodded at a plate of food. "There's breakfast, if you're hungry. I'm going to be at Havenfield most of today, so Sandor is your buddy today."

Percy grabbed a pastry with jam and took a huge bite. "Wow! This is great!" He finished off the pastry and grabbed two other pastries covered in sugar.

"You should probably head to the Sanctuary." Elwin chuckled and picked up his own pastry. "I'll show you the Leapmaster." He walked down a branching hallway and up a flight of stairs. A huge chandelier with hundreds of dangling crystals hung from the ceiling. "You just call out wherever you want to go, then step into the light."

"Um, ok. The Sanctuary!" A crystal suspended by a silver cord lowered in front of Percy, catching the light and creating a beam of light. Elwin grabbed Percy's and Sandor's hand and stepped into the beam.

They glittered in front of large silver gates embedded into a mountain. Snow was falling heavily, covering everything in a thick layer of snow.

Percy shivered and wrapped his cloak tighter around himself. "Where are we? I thought I was going to be working with animals. What animals can survive here?"

Elwin rubbed his arms and replied, "The dwarves carved out the mountain and created a fake ecosystem, so it's much warmer inside. One of the caretakers should be here in just a moment."

The huge gates swung open, and a tall elf with dark hair walked towards them. "I am Jurek." He introduced himself. "I suppose I am your supervisor today."

"And this is where I must leave." Elwin dug out a crystal and held it up. "I'll be back later. Have fun!" He winked and leaped away.

Jurek motioned for Percy to follow him. They walked into the mountain, the gates closing behind them. Percy had expected the interior to be dark and stuffy, but the reality was a sharp contrast. A perfect blue sky with fluffy clouds and light that came from no particular direction brightened the sprawling area. Colorful pastures held every kind of animal imaginable.

"You get the pleasure of scooping mammoth poop." Jurek smirked, clearly enjoying a bit of revenge for babysitting.

Turns out, mammoth poop was not fun to pick up. Percy spent the entire day scooping up poop, giving animals baths, and feeding. By the end of the day, he was sweaty, stinky, and exhausted. Elwin was waiting for him at the gate, and chuckled when he saw Percy's dirty clothes.

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