✨Chapter 22✨

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❤️❤️❤️ Soooooo... I lied. It's been a HOT MINUTE since I last posted. High school ACTUALLY sucks, and there's been a few other issues. It's not stopping me from writing, but posts definitely will be fewer and father between. It's SO hard trying to write action scenes with Percy, since, ya know, he's invulnerable. If you notice any mistakes, plz point them out. I also have a BUNCH of other ideas for fanfics and books, but I feel like if I start on another project, I'll get sidetracked. Lemme know if yall want me to multitask or just stick with this till I'm done. I still love seeing all of your guy's comments, so don't be shy!   ❤️❤️❤️


Percy would have preferred to work at the sanctuary again than go to his second day of school. Keefe had kept him up most of the night with questions about his life as a demigod and Greek mythology, so was almost late getting to his first session. 

In Elementalism, Sir Conley had him bottling lightning. He didn't even know that was possible, or why anyone would even try to do that, but Percy definitely would fail that class. Zeus must have been pitching in. The lightning kept arching straight for Percy's face, and he barely managed to dodge it. 

Percy saw Sir Conley taking notes during the class and knew that Bronte would be getting a full report of how Percy was disgracing the elves by not being naturally talented in everything. 

Percy put his head on the lunch table and groaned. Marella laughed and opened a can of her favorite flavored air. "Elementalism rough?" 

He snorted. "If you call getting your hair and hands zapped a billion times, then yeah. I don't get how you guys figured out how to bottle things like lightning. I'm pretty sure lightning is supposed to stay in the sky. What do you even do with it once it's in a bottle?"

Marella shrugged. "Decoration?"

Dex brought his tray over and sat beside her. "I think some alchemists use it in their more powerful elixirs, but I've never seen the point. Limbium does almost the exact same thing as lightning."

Thunder clapped outside the pyramid, shaking the glass panels. Dex and Marella shared a look. 

"What?" Percy asked, noticing their sudden unease. "Does rain not exist in the Lost Cities?" 

"It does." Dex started slowly. "Just not usually here. On a human map, Foxfire is in Egypt. Ya knows, the desert. I mean, sure it rains sometimes, but not ever enough to make a thunderstorm. Usually, it's just dust storms."

(I actually think its wild that Foxfire is in a desert but has a bunch of plants on campus. Like, I know the cities have trees, but on the map in 8.5, It looks like foxfire is near Cairo. Idk, maybe I'm just ignorant lol)

Fitz got up from the other side of the table and walked out of the cafeteria. 

"Where's he going?" Percy asked. 

Dex furrowed his brows. "I bet he's going to talk to Magnate Leto. I'll go with him." He got up and followed after Fitz. 

Percy eyed Marella. "You guys just go and talk to your principal? I usually try to avoid them as much as possible." 

Keefe slid into a seat next to Percy. "Ah, they're always getting in trouble. They're basically best friends with him by this point." 

Marella rolled her eyes with a smile. "Please. You hold the literally hold the record for Most Visits to the Principal's Office."

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