Yellow Raincoat (Yoichi)

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A/N: Thank you to @KayleenTheDork for requesting this. I apologize for how late it is. I have had a lot of things going in my life that has taken my motivation to write. I hope you enjoy this! :)


The air is freezing as the icy droplets fall from the sky. The fog dissipates to reveal the eerie and cold beauty of the Red Forest. The forest that you have grown to know all this time has changed much before your eyes. The atmosphere is different as of late. Almost as if the Entity updated this place for the trials. Either way this rain feels nice compared to the brutal heat of Dead Dawg Saloon.

You slowly walk over towards a nearby generator. Your (H/C) and clothes are a bit drenched from the rain, yet this does not hinder your work as you begin the repairs. Weather is the least of your worries for now.

In the corner of your (E/C) eye, a bright yellow coat can be seen running towards you. At first, you stiffen thinking it was the Trickster, but a second glance confirms it is a friend and not foe. A fellow survivor named Yoichi.

You succeed a skill check at Yoichi jumps on the generator. The two of you continue your work in silence. Although the rain and the rumbles of the generator do not make it completely silent.

The silence feels awkward so you decide a conversation might make the two of you feel at ease. Yoichi is one of the newer additions to the Fog. Compared to how long you have been trapped here, he is almost like a small child with his experience in the trials.

"Well aren't you dressed appropriately for the weather?" You smile giving Yoichi a glance.

"I suppose I am. Although I'm not sure this is exactly the best outfit."Yoichi smiles.

"How so?"

"Well a big yellow coat. I could get spotted easily."

"Eh. I suppose so. Just like the Trickster. I did actually think you were the Trickster when you were running up to me." You lightly chuckle as you continue your work on generator.

"Who do you think our killer is this trial?" Yoichi inquires, tilting his head a bit.

"I dunno. We probably won't know until it's too late." You sigh.

It is a guess most of the time. Sometimes it is obvious from the start. Sometimes the Fog will immediately give away who the Killer is. Sometimes the Plague's Cleansing Fountains are seen right away. Other times it may be the Jigsaw Box used to remove the Reverse Bear Traps. Sometimes an unused bear trap can be seen right away which is a sign that the Killer is the Trapper.

"I just pray that it isn't a stealth killer." You speak quietly, yet with a hint of a prayer.

There have been far too many times where you were pulled from generator. Those moments are always so terrifying. Even so, with stealth killers, you cannot fully rely on the terror radius.

"Got a guess?" Yoichi asks, clearly curious.

"Probably the ghost girl." You answer.

"Which one?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Which one? There are two ghost girls. Aren't there?"

There is a pause before you answer. Yoichi makes a good point. There are two killers who might as well be ghosts. The Spirit and the Onyro, but the Spirit has been here for quite some time now. How many years was it? Three? No...that doesn't sound right. Four? Five? Too long perhaps.

"Oh...I suppose you are right." You respond, a sigh leaving your lips.

Now that you think about it, Yoichi entered the Fog the same day as Onyro. Yoichi has always known about there being two ghost killers while you were always stuck with Spirit for as long as you can remember. There are too many killers to remember at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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