New Discoveries (Jake)

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A/N: Heyo lovely readers! I would like to thank @-sternenkind for the request!

Reminder: If you wish to request something, go to the requests page!


The sounds of a flowing river awoke you from your long slumber. You slowly glanced up toward the sky to same the old darkness greeting you. A disappointed sigh escaped your lips. Still in the same old horrific realm.

One of these days, you would wake up back in your world. Maybe you would wake up in your room or on that creepy mountain. Either way, both of those options are way better than this horrific realm.

You sat up and began to stretch your sore arms. The trials have been tougher more than usual and it leaves you drained all the time. Sleeping was the only way to regain your energy and to pass the time. Although, you were unsure if time actually existed at this point.

You slowly made your way back to the campsite. The idea of being alone in your tent was something you truly desired in the moment. None would stop you from doing so, or so you thought.

As you continued down the trail toward the campsite, you noticed a figure in the distance. The figure bore a familiar green coat with tan pants and raven hair. The figure was examining a nearby crow. What was Jake doing all the way out here?

You stopped in your tracks upon the realization that Jake was hanging out with a bird. Jake always had a good connection with animals. All animals remained calm next to him, but seemed frightened when near anyone else. It would be a shame to ruin such a cute sight.

You meticulously began to walk around the trail to avoid ruining the cute scene. You never had a good relationship with the animals in realm. The crows either feared you or hated you while the rabbits just scared you. Other than those two animals, you had not encounter any other animal since.

"Hey there, Y/N! What are you doing?" Jake suddenly called out.

"Hey." You waved, stopping in your tracks while trying to not to reveal how jumped a little.

You were not expecting Jake to have noticed you not call out to you. It kinda surprised you.

"Come over here!" Jake called, motioning you to come by his side.

"I don't want to disturb you and the crow." You responded, slowly making your way towards him.

"You won't disturb us." He gently reassured.

You immediately hastily informed, "I will. The crows in this realm don't like me very much."

"Nah. Just come over here." The raven-haired man ushered.

You gave in and decided to listen to Jake. As you approached him, you quickly realized which crow this was. This particular crow had a scar across it's eye and I happened to be the same one that had been bothering you lately.

This particular crow had always woke you up from your sleep or would constantly try to attack you. A sharp exhale escaped your lips the moment the bird stared at you.

It began to aggressively caw at you while violently flapping it's wings. The bird eventually flew away, but you did not care at this point. Honestly, you kind of wanted to throw something at it anyways.

"That is strange. The crows are not usually like that." Jake murmured.

"That particular crow and I have some...history." You vaguely explained.

"Is that so?" The raven-haired man asked, raising an eyebrow.

You slowly explained, "Yeah. That crow likes to bother me as much as possible and I throw things at to drive it away."

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