Exposed (Ghostface)

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The rumbles of the generator flooded your ears as the crows around you were cawing at one another. The repairs were coming along fine for the most part. Whoever this killer was, they brought Thantaophobia which would slow thing down just slightly. This would be fairly annoying if you were on the generator by yourself, but Adam was thankfully working with you.

Everything was quiet save for the sounds of the generator being repaired and the crows. Haddonfield was a pretty nice area to be in. Your eyes glanced toward the progress and realized it was only about 42%. A frustrated sigh left your lips. It was only the beginning of the trial, but Kate was already injured. It was pretty unlucky.

"It will go up soon enough." Adam spoke calmly as if he was acknowledging your frustration.

"Killer has Thantaophobia. It will be a little awhile before this generator gets finished." You replied.

"Unfortunately you are right. It will take longer than we-"

A scream interrupted your conversation. Both of your gazes turned toward the direction of the scream. The red aura of Kate was lying on the ground. She was instantly taken from the ground and was probably carried to a nearby hook.

"I'll get her." Adam spoke.

You nodded as Adam stopped his repairs. Adam quickly vanished inside a house to go get Kate. Your focus returned to repairing the generator. You were not entirely sure what your other teammate was doing, but you prayed they were working on a generator or doing something that would help the team out.

The generator sprung to life with its bright lights. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you took a couple steps away from the working generator.

Your eyes glided toward a nearby a bush. Your (E/C) eyes opened immediately widened upon see a mask individual staring at you.

"Crap." You whispered.

The moment you took off running, a fire noise flooded your ears. You knew this noise all to well.

The Myers House was probably the best place to go. You knew how to loop around that area fairly well.

You bolted toward the old house with haste. You did not have a lot of distance between you and the Ghostface. This was going to be very risky.

The killer raised his knife and swung at you, but you moved away in enough time for him to narrowly miss you. You legs carried you upstairs of the Old Myers home and into a nearby room. However, this room had no way of exit besides the point of entry that you had just crossed.

"Oh no." You whispered, knowing Ghostface was behind you.

Just as you thought, the killer was standing in the doorway. Well now you were screwed. You could not make out his current emotion due to the mask, but you would wager that he had a big grin on his face. There was really nothing you could do, but you should try something.

"WAIT! WAIT!" You shouted.

The killer lowered his knife and titled his head, probably out of confusion. It was now very difficult to tell the emotion he was feeling because of the mask, but you were going to make this work in your favor. You had to until your exposed status went away.

"What's your favorite scary movie?" You asked, with a goofy smile.

"I- what?"

Great. The killer is now confused. This was not what you were exactly expecting, but this was not the worse reaction ever. If anything, you had the advantage. You had to keep this whole thing going.

"Yeah. I mean I know it is supposed to be the other way around, but what is it?" You immediately asked.

"I don't know. What do you want me to say, Stab?" He replied.

Dead by Daylight Oneshots (Character x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ