Not What It Seems (Frank)

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A/N: Heyo! Thank you so much to @Ashisdead0 for this request. I was not sure which Legion you wanted, so I decided to do Frank since I have been wanting to write a chapter for him for quite some time.

Happy reading!


The widened eyes and frantic whispers caused your body to tense. You could feel your survivor friends eyes stuck upon you. This feeling of all eyes being you made you feel overwhelmed. It would not have to be this way if your teammates from the last trial kept their mouths shut.

In the last trial, you went up a against a very angry Legion. Frank to be specific. The match did not go his way and you somehow managed to save Kate with a Head On stun, but it costed him what would have been his only kill. He was clearly pretty angry about the situation once you reached the exit gates.

When you reached the exit gates, he demanded that he wanted to talk to you by the river. He made it clear that if you did not come, he would make future trials miserable and that you were not a fan of the idea of terrible trials with the Legion.

After the trial, you decided you would meet up with him. Trials with the Legion were always the longest and you have a reputation to maintain as well. You were going to go alone, but your teammates told everyone else and you now believe everyone is going to want to come with.

As you made your way outside the campsite, something tugged at your shirt. You whipped your head around to see Kate with a worried expression. Many of the other survivors stood behind her with concerned expressions. They must have been concerned for your safety.

"Y/N. Are you really going to meet with him." The blonde-haired woman asked with widened eyes.

"I am." You nodded.

She sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"Don't be sorry. I saved you. I am only going because I want to see what he is going to irritated about. I doubt he will do anything." You smiled, as she released your arm.

"Can all of us come?" Dwight requested with determined voice.

That was probably one few times you had heard his voice not be nervous.

"Y/N, please allow us to join you. The killer could harm you. We wouldn't want anything bad to occur." Yui spoke.

"None of us could never forgive ourselves if anything happened to you." Jake replied.

"We need to be there if anything happens!" Bill firmly spoke.

Seeing everyone's worry for you made you feel happy. You did not realize how much they all cared for. Perhaps it would not be a terrible thing if they tagged along.

"Sure, but don't make it obvious that you are there." You nodded with a smile.

"Even if you said no, we all still would have come anyways." Nea smirked.

She was not wrong. Knowing all of them, they would make sure you were safe no matter what. After all, you would do the same for all of them.

Hopefully nothing crazy would occur.


The moment the river came into view, you noticed the masked killer standing in the river. His face shifted up to meet your eyes which caused a bit of fear. You had met killers outside of the trials by this river, but they were in good terms. This one is probably not one of these cases.

"You must be so scared if all the survivors decided to come." Frank mocked.

"Once they knew what was going on, they decided to come. I couldn't get them to leave if I wanted to." You frowned, turning around to see your survivor friends nervously watching.

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