Promises (Quentin)

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A/N: Heyo lovely readers! This was requested by @FallenMoss

I hope you enjoy this! Thank you so much for the request!


A frightened scream echoed across the Red Forest. You glanced up from the generator in the direction of voice. No one was on the hook, but why did they scream?

Confusion flooded your mind as you cautiously repaired the generator. You could not tell who the voice belonged to, but you were curious of who it was. What was the source of the scream?

Was it a bear trap? No. You would have heard the snap. Snare trap? No. You would have been in the Dream Realm by now. The Doctor? No. You would have heard the static shock blast. Jolt? No one was knocked yet. Iron Maiden? Perhaps.

You shake your head and decided to ignore it. You needed to remain focused on getting the generator completed. While you were pondering the cause of the scream, you nearly blew up the generator several times. Bringing the killer over to your generator would be no good since it was almost done.

Light rain soaked your (H/C) hair as the generator was nearing completion. You grew anxious as you had not heard a terror radius at all. Anytime this occurred, you always assumed it was a stealth killer.

The generator was finished within a couple moments. You immediately fled the area and bolted towards the direction of the killer shack. There could be a generator or a totem in there. Hopefully your other teammates were working on generators.

As you ran towards the killer shack, you spotted a set of lockers with locks placed on the old doors. You grimaced as the thought of facing the Dredge did not please you in the slightest.

That killer was by far one of the scariest things that spider god placed his godforsaken realm. The grotesque appearance and the smell of rotting flesh from that creature made you want to puke your guts out. Thinking about it just gave you the chills.

The broken down shack was in front of you in no time. You instantly spotted a generator in the center of familiar building. You immediately entered, but halted at the sight of a shaking figure.

Your (E/C) narrowed you recognized Quentin's brown hair and blue jacket. Quentin was shaking in a corner. You immediately grew concerned as his grumbles of pain were quite loud and the fact that he physically shaking.

Survivors who had been in realm long enough stop doing this after a year or two along with becoming more exposed to the trials. Survivors will still feel the intense fear, but they do not hide in a corner and shake. Not like this anyways.

This whole sight was odd to see. Quentin was one of many survivors who had been in the realm for a number of years. You would have normally expected to see the newer survivors like this, but that was hardly the case. What could have caused him to be like this?

"Quentin?" You asked, feeling concerned.

He remained unresponsive which would only increase your worry. You slowly extended your hand towards him, but he immediately smacked it away. Your (E/C) eyes widened and you slowly backed away to give him some space. What was that all about?

You immediately locked the lockers as the scared man seemed to slowly calm down. Having a scared and shaky survivor would do the team not good. Having the Dredge bolt into the shack with Quentin being vulnerable was not ideal.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't k-know what happened." He shakily spoke with exhaustion.

"No worries. Can I heal your wounds?" You gently asked.

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