Obsession (The Shape)

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A/N: This story in particular will switch between your POV and Michael's POV. Thought I would let you know.

Your POV:

The dark fog surrounding you finally ceased revealing a darkened laboratory covered with blood and other unidentifiable goo or something else. If this trial could not have started more poorly, you glanced at your hand and noticed the mark of the obsession. A frustrated sigh left your mouth as you realized the trial was in Hawkins and you were the obsession. Your lips pinched into a frown as you immediately noticed you had appeared alone and without a teammate. In all honesty, you just prayed the killer was not nearby.

Getting over your frustration, you easily made your way to a nearby generator and swiftly began repairing it. The generator was in a long hallway, but it caused you be concerned. The hallway had entry points to different rooms, so the possibility of escaping was there. What worried you, was how easily you could be stalked.

There many killers in the realm, but only two had the ability to stalk survivors. Both of those killers were scary to go against. One moment you look to the left see nothing there and the next moment there is a killer. Or you would be peacefully working on the generator and you get grabbed. On top of that, you would be given the exposed status if you were stalked long enough.

When the generator reached about one third of the way, a loud noise broke through the silence causing you to pause your work for a second. It took a second to realize that you were now exposed. That exposed noise could only mean one thing, the killer was Michael Myers himself. You knew it was him because the exposed noise had some strange piano playing for a few seconds with it. You angrily sighed as you knew this trial was going to be difficult.

Michael was a complicated killer to go against. He was very tall, but could be silent at any given moment. If he stalked for a certain amount of time, everyone would be exposed even if he was not stalking you. He is stalked for long enough, he was given the ability to perform a mori and could do infinitely with certain add-ons. The masked killer was very unpredictable which is part of reason he was complicated. The silent killer makes every decision with ease and will stick it and make it work for him.

You exhaled slowly, attempting to calm down. Thinking about going against the killer was stressful enough, but you needed to be in the right mindset. You head turned toward your right and noticed a tall figure behind a stack of cargo boxes. Your heart dropped and your brain stopped thinking for a few seconds, but survival instinct flooded your body. Your legs carried you away from the generator and toward a nearby room.

The only thing on your was just to run as far away as possible.


The Shape's POV:

His ocean eyes studied you intently as your hands swiftly worked on repairing the generator. You were so unique compared to the other survivors. Your beautiful (E/C) eyes were so captivating. Your (H/C) looked soft to the touch. He go on thinking about your uniqueness compared to your teammates, but for now he had to focus on his current objective. Despite trying to his best not to remain distracted, his mind continued to gravitate to you. Just looking at you made him feel so warm inside, but why?

"Why do I feel so...strange?" He thought, feeling confused.

He had encountered you several times before in many different trials, so what made this one...different? You escaped most of those trials, but he had also sacrificed you in others. Michael had even killed you once. He had done the same to all the other miserable survivors that were placed against him. Why were you so different and now? Did something happen last time the two of you were out against each other?

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