Let Me Serve You (The Knight)

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The cold and dark fog slowly ceased to a reveal a new area. Broken down buildings were littered across the area along with hay bails. The fog bore a unusual red hue and remained more towards the ground. The gate of an old castle were on two sides of this new place. These gates were probably the exit gates.

A strong surge of anxiety flooded throughout your body. This area meant something bad. It meant something new. Anything new was almost always bad.

Rumors had spread around that a new killer that entered the fog due to the unexpected arrival of a new survivor. You have not met this new survivor yet, but a new survivor usually meant a new killer. There were rare cases of a new survivor with no new killer. The only known cases were Bill, Ash, and Mikaela. The same has occurred with the killers as well.

You slowly wandered into the Killer Shack and spotted a dull totem. You bent down towards it and extended your hand towards the skulls. Some energy left your body and was transferred over to the totem. Within a few moments, a blue hue covered the totem and the Killer Shack and hum emitted from the totem. Now your teammates could heal themselves without needing a med-kit or Self Care.

You began the repairs on the generator inside, but a foreign sound came upon your ear. A new terror radius had came into earshot and now it was growing ever so closer. Your heart began to pound faster as well.

The sound of heavy metal clunking together and thunderous footsteps greatly alarmed you. Fear of the unknown caused your body to tense as you bolted into a locker. Thankfully, Quick and Quiet ensured that your fast action was not heard by this new killer.

Within a few moments, an armored figure carrying a large sword entered the old shack with purpose in their steps. The killer stood still and examined his surroundings for a few moments. A hard grunt exited the helmet of the knight.

You anxiously watched as the armored man slammed his giant sword against the generator. Sparks erupted from generator as the Knight left the Killer Shack.

You slowly exited the locker and touched the generator, but you immediately halted your repairs. A bright green orb swiftly travelled into the old shack. Confusion flooded your body, but that would change to fear.

The green orb faded with manic laughter following. The sound of horns drew you attention as you attempted to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar man ran towards you with alarming speed. Your (E/C) widened and you fast vaulted out of the Killer Shack. Many questions flooded your mind as you ran away. Who was this guy? Were there multiple killers now? Is this the killer's power? What was with that green orb.

You glanced behind you for a moment, but slammed into something hard. You landed on your butt and rubbed your head for a mere moment. You (E/C) eyes shifted upwards to see your armored foe looming over you.

A yelp escaped your throat and your (E/C) eyes greatly widened. You instantly turned around and began to crawl away. The killer bent down to your level as you attempted to escape. He firmly grabbed your arm and pulled you up towards him.

"Hey! Hey! Ow! What are you doing?!" You shouted with confusion.

Upon hearing your outcry, the killer instantly released  your arm at once. You immediately pull back your arm to see your skin starting to bruise. A weighed sigh slipped through your lips.

"I apologize for my rudeness m'liege." A deep voice apologized.

"Did you call me m'liege?" You asked, feeling very confused and worried.

"Indeed I did. How are you faring today m'liege?"

"Are you joking?" You frowned.

"I am not jesting m'liege. Have my words insulted you?"

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