I Want Advice (Susie)

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The calm sounds of wildlife flooded your ears as you continued on with your small walk. The camp started to get a little too rowdy for your liking and you chose to be with nature at the moment. You liked all your fellow survivors, but they could be a little much at times.

As you calmly walked, you heard rapid shuffling in a nearby bush which instantly disrupted your thoughts. Was that Ghostface again? You sighed as you remembered scolding him for come over to the survivor side. You pushed several branches to the side with one arm and noticed a dark figure hiding. They turned to you, but it was hard to make out who it was as the tree blocked out most of the moonlight.

"Is that you Ghos-"

Your arm was forcefully grabbed and your body pushed against a nearby tree. Deathly afraid of what just happened, you instantly pushed away the dark figure. It did not take much, but they pushed you against the tree again. You hissed in pain as your back slammed pretty hard in the bark of the tree. Whoever this was, they were going to regret attacking you.

You effortlessly shoved your attacker with more of your weight which caused them to fall towards the cold ground. You swiftly kicked them and they released a groan of pain. Seeing they were distracted, you swiftly pinned them in the ground. Your fear slowly transpired in anger.

The person was flailing their arms around, but you swiftly wrapped your hand around their neck which caused them to stop. You raised your fist but paused when you recognized the person bearing a Legion mask. What was a member of the Legion doing here? Even so which one?

The moonlight soon shined directly on your attacker. The silver rays from above revealed the person to be a woman with pink hair and with that mask. This meant your attacker was indeed a member of the Legion and that the specific member was Susie.

"What are you doing over here?!" You spoke with a stern tone.

You may have been a little friendlier if you were not just attacked just now, but the fact the young woman was one of the killers caused you to be very suspicious of her. Why was she so close to the survivor camp? What kind of ambush was this? This was all too suspicious.

"Hey! Ow! Wow you are strong...ow! Relax! I wasn't going attack you!" Susie whined.

"Grabbing my arm and pushing against a tree said otherwise!" You hissed slowly starting to tighten your grip around her neck.

"I just want to talk. I swear! I only did that because I thought you were one of the really aggressive survivors." She responded while struggling to breathe.

"Really aggressive? Ugh...whatever. What do you want?" You sighed, taking a couple steps away from her.

"I want to talk. That's it! I swear I'm not going to attack or kill you!" Susie hastily replied.

"Fine. If you so much as attack me again, I swear I drag you over to the killer camp and have them punish you." You warned.

You released your hand from her throat and she immediately crawled a few feet away from you. It was strange to see her cowering away from you. This would have been very different if it was in the trial, but now it almost seemed like the roles had entirely switched because you had the ability to fight back. You wished you had the ability to fight back in the trials, but the Entity made sure the only response of fear was flight and not fight. Had the Entity not done this, quite a few trials would have been very different.

"So did you want to talk to me in particular or was there another survivor you wanted to talk to you?" You inquired with your curiosity growing by the second.

"Just you." She softly responded.

Just you? How interesting. You could not help, but feel very confused. Why would she want to talk to you? She did not seem like the type to want to talk anyone who was not in her little friend group. You heard a rumor that members of the Legion have become curious of you and dismissed the absurd claim in the past, but now you were not so sure.

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