A Song for You (Kate)

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A beautiful hum echoed throughout the dark sky forest. This hum belonged to someone you knew well. Not the one from the tall Russian woman with a bunny mask nor the psychotic K-Pop singer. This hum belonged to Kate Denson.

Anytime you heard singing or humming, you body usually recoiled and you would bolt in the opposite direction. These noises in the trial usually meant something bad was coming. It was only natural you would run away.

Your tensed initially upon hearing the humming, but you relaxed once you realized it was just Kate. It had been awhile since you heard her hums. What could have her humming in this realm of horrors?

Her humming was different from hums of the killers. Hers was sweet and quite inviting. You almost felt intoxicated by it.

The Huntress' humming was angelic, but it was ominous. She only hummed whenever was not in chase with a survivor. The Trickster did not hum as much as the Huntress, but his sounded joyful yet sinister. He only hummed when he hooked survivors. Kate never really hummed, but with good reason.

There was nothing to hum or be happy about in this realm unless you took pleasure in harming and killing others. Most of the killers killed out of revenge or anger. There are few who kill for the thrill and satisfaction of other's pain.

You slowly walked toward the direction of the hum. It had been a very long time since you heard Kate sing or hum. The trials have been harder for everyone, but Kate especially. The Entity constantly threw her into so many trials as of late. Anyone's spirit and will to continue on would dwindle at such an insane rate. You knew the feeling all too well.

Kate's familiar figure was skipping in the distance. A smile formed on your lips. Her bright and optimistic energy always seemed to radiate off to you.

Her beautiful blonde curls bounced with each step she took. She held herself in an elegant, but cute manner. Her voice was beautiful as an angel.

This woman always did things to your heart. You could never explain what it was. It was almost like a love spell had washed over you or maybe her voice itself was the spell. Her pretty smile made your heart skipped a beat. Kate's immaculate deep brown eyes maybe your heart pound faster. Almost as if a Killer was nearby.

Kate made her way deeper into the dark forest. You silently followed her and observed her surroundings. You were not trying to watch her in a creepy way, but to watch over her.

Sometimes the killers wandered over to the Survivor side without warning. There have never been any recorded attacks, but the idea is not reassuring, especially with some of those psychos out there like the Trickster and Doctor. Survivors could not even live in their zone in complete peace.

Suddenly, Kate completely stopped in her tracks. You swiftly hid behind a tree. You slowly leaned over to see the blonde-haired woman staring in your direction.

"Hey there, Y/N!" Kate called out with a bright smile.

Heat flushed throughout your body and you abandoned the tree. You were seen so you might as well not make it weird. You waved as you slowly approached her.

"I thought you were Ghostface for a second." Kate chuckled.

"My bad. I was just watching over you. Not in a creepy way...just incase a killer was nearby." You nervously confessed.

"No worries! I look over you sometimes when you are out alone as well." The blonde-haired woman smiled.

"You do?!" You exclaimed, your face blushing.

She explained, "Yeah! It is always good for survivors to be watching after each other."

"I suppose so." You nodded with a small smile.

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