Worry (David)

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The heat coming from the flames of the campfire felt nice against your skin. A small smile formed on your lips as your body began to feel so nice and toasty by the fire. Even though you knew a trial was coming shortly, you did not mind too much at the moment as you just wanted to remain by the fire.

The fog swarmed around the campfire for a mere moment and leaving a mere moment after. The fog brought forth your three teammates accompanying you in this trial. Feng Min stood up tall folding her arms while wearing that green bunny outfit she wore a lot of the time. Ace stood to your right wearing a grey tuxedo with those sunglasses he always wore while holding a toolbox. Your other teammate, David stood to your left wearing that lifeguard outfit.

"Lifeguard outfit?" You asked, trying not to laugh.

"Is there a problem with it?" David replied, raising an eyebrow.

In truth, you did have a problem with the outfit. David was wearing a jacket, but with no shirt underneath which made him shirtless for the most part. It made you a little uncomfortable, but it would not hinder you...hopefully.

"Going to answer my question." He asked, interrupting your thoughts.

"I uh yeah...sorry. I'm just worried that if we get sent to Ormond, that you would be too cold to do anything." You responded instantly, hoping you explained your reasoning well.

"Our chances of going to Ormond are very slim." He reassured.

"Could still happen though." You warned.

David was right in that the chances of going to Ormond were very very slim, but it could still be a possibility. The chances of going are definitely higher if someone brings an offering. Now that you thought of it, you did have an offering to go. You instantly shook away the idea as you had no desire to see David suffering from the cold the entire match. It would be kinda funny if you got sent to Ormond.

Before you had more time to think, thick fog surrounded the campfire leaving everything to be a very dark grey. Your heart began racing as you knew the trial was about to begin. Deciding to calm yourself, you closed your eyes and decided to do some breathing exercises. Even though you have part of hundreds of trials, you still were a little nervous.

As you closed your eyes and calmed down, you did not see was the map offering someone had placed. An offering that was bound to make David furious.

After a couple of minutes, the fog ceased around you revealing a snow ridden environment with a large building at the center. A smile formed on your lips as you turned around to see David a couple meters away from you. You immediately started laughing like someone who had pranked another person. David's face scrunched up causing you to stop laughing slowly.

"I don't want to hear a single word from you." David grumbled, walking over to a nearby generator.

"I'll say something if you blow the gen." You responded, following him.

The two of you swiftly got to work on repairing the nearby generator next to the very small cabin like place. As you connected two wires, you quietly stared at David while he was working. You observed his shivering for a moment a felt almost bad. Your eyes slowly gravitated toward his shirt, but you instantly looked away. Perhaps you could give him your jacket.

You immediately got back to repairing while feeling heat bubbling in your face. You needed to focus because you almost missed a skill check. That could have been bad.

"Were you the one who put the offering to Ormond?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Someone put an offering for it?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

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