Losing Hope (Jake)

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The last feeling you felt was the hundreds of sharp teeth sinking itself into your skin and drawing tiny pools of blood. The red liquid flowed effortlessly from your neck and you could most definitely recall the feeling all too well. You could also recall the feeling of straining your vocal cords from the screaming. The screaming as the only response to your pain.

The last thing you saw was the flower like mouth of the Demogorgan wrapping itself around your head, plunging you into a dark void as your lungs screamed. Screaming for help that would only be futile in the end. You were beyond saving. Even so, it was not like anyone was willing to help you. They had all abandoned you.

It was a terrible experience. It always was. You would have rather been sacrificed. At least that was less painful. Every killer's mori was always painful and agonizing. Each mori was unique in one way or another. It was just painful to witness it alone. Experiencing it was on a whole other level. Even if it lasted for only a couple seconds, you wished your death was instant.

The darkness of the void was replaced with the cold presence of fog. The coldness made your pain worse caused much discomfort. A groan escaped your lips as you could feel the swirling of the fog around your body. Your mind grew weary and became hazy.

The fog ceased and revealed a darkened sky with trees surrounding you. You lied flat on your back against the dark green grass. Your (E/C) eyes calmly stared at the cloudy sky before you.

Tears streamed from your (E/C) orbs as the pain finally began to cease. You opened your eyes and inhaled the cold air of the forest surrounding you. It was refreshing to say the least. Your chest began to rise and fall slowly as the sounds of wildlife began to flood in. What happened? Your memory was hazy and your senses were out of place. Everything felt so strange.

You continued to lie on the ground attempting to ponder what had occurred within the last half hour. You remember feeling terrified, fatigued, and betrayed, but why? Oh yes, that is right. You had ran the killer for most of trial and helping your teammates when they were hooked. Your weary legs had travelled far too much for you to take. What happened next?

The alarm for the exit gates flared, but why were your teammates running away from you. Why could they not take a hit for you? There was no NOED. Now it all made sense. Your teammates left you behind to fend for yourself. They left you to die. You had died during the trial. Traitors.

Footsteps were honing in on your direction as you lied still waiting for something to happen. Another blood thirsty killer ready to do the Entity's bidding? Or your lousy teammates that left you for dead coming with a fake apology? Whatever it was, you could not care less. You were far too fatigued to even move.

"Are you okay?" A gentle voice, but famailiar spoke.

Your (E/C) trailed toward a figure emerging from behind a tree. His voice was familiar, but who was it? With the trauma you had just experienced, it was taking a bit for your senses to return to normal. A sigh of relief escaped your throat as the dark green jacket and the raven colored hair told you who it was. Your long time friend, Jake.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked again, with such a soft tone

"Mori." You responded.

It was the only word you could utter. A dreadful word that had a horrific action behind it. You had experienced it so many times. Too many times in fact. You were done with these trials and fed up with being killed or sacrificed. Fed up with being left behind. Fed up with dealing with your teammates consequences. Perhaps this was the last straw for you.

You had been in this hell for what felt like an eternity. Any hope of returning to your family and friends was diminishing. It had been this way for years, yet you knew you could not lose your hope. You knew what it would do if you lost that precious hope. Maybe just maybe it
would better if it knew. If the Entity knew, your pain and suffering would be over. So what if you got sent to void. You would probably not have experience death over and over again.

"I can't do it anymore Jake" You spoke, voice trembling, knowing the Entity was most definitely listening.

The man immediately covered your mouth with widened brown eyes. Fear pasted on his face with widened eyes. He knew it was listening as well.

"You can't say that! You know what the Entity, it, will do. You know that happens." Jake frowned, removing his gloved hand from your mouth.

You responded, trying not to scream, "I know...I know. We all know, but it is not fair. I'm tired of being sacrificed. I'm tired of being killed. I want to go home. I want to see my family! I want to see my friends! I'm tired of being thrown in a stupid mind game for the pleasure of it. I'm tired of being in pain all the time."

"I know. We all know. Especially Dwight, Meg, and Claudette and I. We all understand more than anything, but please...don't give up. Please." He begged, his voice slowing diminishing to a whisper.

There was a long pause. A pause you disliked. Even though it was not completely silent due to the wildlife, it did not feel right. It never did. It always felt like something needed to happen. It was truly a dreadful feeling.

Your weary (E/C) eyes studied his face. He bore a frown as always, but his eyes. His chocolate eyes were sad and watery. Was he...about to cry? His calming gaze was fixed on you, but he still seemed rather upset.

"Jake I-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Jake had carefully wrapped his arms around your back and sat you up. He grabbed your hand and stroked it gently. The man then pulled you into a tight hug. You could feel his body trembling. He must be terrified. He must believe that the Entity was coming to throw you into the void, but you had not lost all hope yet.

"Please don't give up. I can't lose you. Please." Jake begged quietly.

"I'm tired Jake..."

"I know. I know. Please. We will find a way out of here. I swear we will find a way. I promise. I promise." He responded, starting to ramble.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Jake. We have been trying for years and nothing has turned up." You warned.

"I know. Just hold on please. Hold on for a little longer. Hold on for me."

You asked quietly, "What do you mean by for you?"

Many thoughts began to plague your mind. What exactly did he mean by holding on for him? Did he tie his own fate to yours? Why would he do such a thing?

"I can't describe my feelings right now, but you give me life in this realm. You are my reason for continuing to go through with the trials. There may be no light at the end of the tunnel, but you give the hope I need. If you die, I will die." The man calmly explained, interrupting your thoughts.

"Jake...I didn't know you. I'll hold on for the both of us. I promise." You wearily smiled.

Jake smiled in return as he continued to hug you. It was nice having him here. You felt safe in his arms. You generally felt safe in his presence.

Now that you thought of it, he mentioned something about having feelings toward you that he could not describe at the given moment. You wondered what those hidden feelings even were. Would he ever reveal it? Perhaps you would have to reveal your own feelings towards him first.

For now, you decided to leave the notion alone. You would hate to ruin this comforting moment with unnecessary questioning of his earlier comment. Even so, you had all the time in the world to pry him on the subject. It was not like the Entity was going to release the two of you soon.

"Let's head back to the camp." He spoke.

"Agreed." You smiled.

The two of you would soon return to the familiar campsite and would await the next trials coming your way. The future may not be kind to you for now, but at least you had Jake by your side and ready to endure the same pain as you. Your hope would no longer diminish.


A/N: Heyo lovely readers! If you made it to the end, you are awesome! This one is a little short and I apologize for it. Fighting writers block is always tough. Hopefully I'll make this story longer in the future.

I might start taking requests in the future, but I'm still debating it for right now.

Also friendly reminder that you are loved and to always be taking care of yourself. Make to always drink water and eat three meals a day.

Published: January 12th, 2022

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