Guilty Conscious (Yun-Jin)

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A monstrous roar echoed throughout the dark forest. A feeling of dread spread through your body like a plague. Even though you were not in a trial, their roars gave you anxiety.

You quickly shook off the feelings and wandered around many trees and bushes. Claudette had informed you of some strange findings and changes within the environment, but you were not entirely convinced. Part of it was because you could not seem to find what she told you about. The other part was the fact changes in this realm were drastic. Nothing drastic had occurred for sometime now.

The shuffling of bushes caught your attention and pulled you back into reality. Your body immediately tensed you shifted into an offensive stance. Your heart violently pounded as you awaited for something dart towards you. Was it a creature from the killer side? Was it a killer? Was it one of those creepy rabbits? What could it be?

A familiar figure emerged from the bushes while quietly mumbling to herself. The sight of pure white fluffy coat relaxed your body and you fighting stance ceased.

Yun-Jin's iconic look made her recognizable from a distance. She was violently rubbing off twigs and leaves from her coat and dark purple blouse as you wandered towards you. Her expression seemed unusual. Normally, she looks annoyed and confident all the time, but she seemed distressed and upset.

"Hello, Y/N. What was with the fighting stance?" She asked, folding her arms.

"My apologies. I wasn't sure if you were a killer." You responded, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"A killer? Killers have their own side. They don't come to our side. they come over here?" The lavender-haired woman cautiously inquired.

"It happens more often than you would think." You answered with a frown.

"Seriously? That's not reassuring in the slightest." Yun-Jin scowled, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Another reason to hate this place. We can't even get real privacy from our psycho foes." You sighed.

An awkward silence remained for a few painstakingly long seconds. Although, her expression relaxed. A lot appeared to be on her mind. Normally you would ask her if she was alright, but Yun-Jin is very reserved and keeps to herself.

"I was actually hoping I was going to run into you." The lavender-haired woman said with a poker face.

"Oh? Something you want from me?" You asked, your curiosity piquing.

"Do you think you could walk with me? I would like to talk about something with you. As long as you are not going into a trial soon."

"If it is about my clothes or fashion sense again, I already told you that the Entity will not give me more outfits or one considered great by your taste just because I want a new outfit." You reminded with a slight smile.

A couple weeks ago, Yun-Jin commented that you needed better clothes. You did agree with her, but it is not like you can ask the Entity for some clothes. It just happens randomly.

She laughed with a small smile, "No no. I won't talk to you about that again. I want to talk about something more. I want to tell something important to you. Something personal. Mind taking a walk with me?"

"I don't mind." You smiled.

Yun-Jin rushed to your side and wrapped her right arm around your left arm. This feeling was quite odd. Having the normally reserved survivor, clinging on your tightly was abnormal. This caught you off guard, but you did not show it. You wanted to make sure she was comfortable and ready to talk when she wanted.

The two of you began to walk throughout the dark forest. Yun-Jin says nothing and she appeared to be lost in her thoughts. Her face bore a grim expression and her eyes were filled with a hint of guilt. Did something happen to her?

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