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Mirabel left the Daycare. She took a look at the company one more time, before leaving. Somehow it felt as if it was her last day at the company.

Mirabel got a cab and left that place. She didn't see Ella coming. Ella had decided to pay Joe a surprise visit, since no one was coming. But she was surprised to see Mirabel.

"Why was she here?" Ella asked rhetorically.

She shrugged and made her way into the company to see Joe.

Inside the cab, Mirabel kept thinking about Joe. She felt like crying, but held her tears back.

"Don't think about him. He told you the truth. He never loved you. So forget about him," she reminded herself over and over again.

She was finding it hard to forget Joe.

One month later, Joe and Mirabel never spoke to each other. No texts or calls from both of them. They stayed away from each other.

The one month break was finally over. Everyone resumed back at the company, except for Mirabel. She didn't resume with the staffs, and Joe wasn't aware. That's because he had stopped going over to the Daycare.

Miss Bello and the others tried to reach out to Mirabel. Her line wasn't reachable. They wondered if she was fine.

Miss Bello had gone over to see Mirabel at her home. But she learnt from her neighbours that Mirabel hasn't been around for one week now.

When Miss Bello went back to the Daycare the next day, she told them that Mirabel wasn't around.

They all believed she had travelled. But Ella with her bad thoughts, believed that Mirabel was pregnant and was hiding her shame.

Unknown to them, Mirabel had an accident on her way to the company on the first day.

The cab she got in lost control. Mirabel somehow found herself on the ground bleeding. The cab had bashed into another vehicle ahead.

She was rushed to the hospital for treatment. Her phone broke, so she was unable to reach out to anybody.

When she gained consciousness, Mirabel had contacted Angel through one of the nurses phone.

Angel came rushing to see her. She was sad on seeing Mirabel in the condition she was in.

Mirabel had a bandage on her head and right arm.

"I was wondering what had happened to you. Thank God you're alive," Angel cried, holding Mirabel by the hand.

Mirabel managed to smile. She thanked Angel for coming over to see her.

Angel stayed with Mirabel in the hospital for two weeks. Mirabel was getting better, but her arm was still aching her.

One afternoon, Angel came over with a new phone for Mirabel. She gave Mirabel and said she can use it. Mirabel thanked her.

"So, are you going to tell Joe about it?" Angel asked.

Mirabel is stunned to hear this question from Angel.

"Why?" Mirabel asked, lifting her gaze at Angel.

"I mean... You know you two are..."

"We broke up," Mirabel broke the news to Angel.

Angel was surprised to hear this. She felt unhappy within, but doesn't say anything.

She told Angel that she ended it and she wasn't ready to destroy someone's marriage.

Angel didn't say anything.

Later that evening, Mirabel  switched on the new phone after putting her card inside. She immediately got a call from Miss Bello.

Miss Bello  was so happy to hear Mirabel's voice. She asked her if she was fine. Mirabel told her she was fine. She didn't tell her her condition.

Pleased to hear her voice, Miss Bello tells Mirabel a juicy news on Ella.

She told Mirabel that one of the staffs forwarded a message to her about his conversation with Ella.

She sent the message to Mirabel to read.

Mirabel went through the message and is shocked.

Ella was quarrelling with the person. Asking him whether he is the one responsible for her pregnancy. Warning him to let her be.

"Pregnancy?" Mirabel is stunned.

Miss Bello shared with Mirabel that she learnt Ella has been coming to the company during the break to see someone.

"Heard she comes to seduce the Male staffs at the company,"Miss Bello said.

"Learnt she sees the boss's friends secretly," Miss Bello added.

Mirabel never knew that Ella was that loose to be following different men. Not to mention, Peter and Williams too.

Miss Bello tells Mirabel that she can't wait to see Ella's pregnancy bump.

Mirabel didn't care.

She knows that Joe has been sleeping with Ella. So if she's pregnant truly, who's child is she carrying?

Miss Bello later ended the call with Mirabel.

Mirabel found herself tossing and turning on the hospital bed. She couldn't get that message of Ella off her mind.

Two days later, after a check up, Mirabel received a text from Joe.

He was greeting her like nothing had happened between the both of them.

When she saw the texts, she became angry as the thought of Ella's case came into her mind.

Mirabel replied him back rudely.

Joe, who was at the office, git Mirabel's text. He scoffed and replied back.

He sounded as if he was pleased with the way things are going,and as if he was living good.

Out of annoyance, Mirabel texted I HATE YOU to Joe.

When Joe saw this, it struck him hard.

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