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Mirabel brought up the matter of the break up again. But Joe scoffed and said they could talk about it later.

He held Mirabel's hand quickly and pulled her close.

"Sir, please stop this," Mirabel pleaded with Joe. Freeing herself from his grip.

Joe could sense the uneasiness in Mirabel. He knows what she wants to discuss and he's not in the mood for that. He didn't want her to talk about the break up. He wanted to take her mind off it.

"Why are you acting this way princess?" Joe asked her. He pulled her into his arms again.

Mirabel tried to free herself again, but she ended up in Joe's comfort. This was unbearable for her.

She wants to leave Joe but her heart won't let her. She didn't want to be in a relationship where she's consider the other woman or a home breaker.

She needed to fight this feeling.

"Sir, we have to..."

Before she could speak, Joe shut her mouth with his lips. Kissing her immediately. He didn't want her speaking about the break up.

Joe's kiss is one of Mirabel's weakness. But she had to fight it.

Joe kept on kissing Mirabel passionately. She groaned amidst the kiss, showing her discomfort.

Joe noticed it and stopped.

"Stop pls!" Mirabel said out.

"Why?" Joe asked, raising his voice at her.

Mirabel sighed sadly and told him that she couldn't continue with the relationship anymore.

She called the event between them as a mistake and tells Joe that she doesn't want to break his wife's heart by being with him.

Joe was getting uncomfortable. He tried to stop Mirabel from talking about his marriage, but she didn't.

She told him that it was over between the both of them and she was sorry. Joe got upset. He stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

Mirabel saw his expression and felt sorry. She turned around and walked to the door.

She was about to open it when Joe dragged her back and lifted her up her feet in a flash.

"Sir! What are you doing? Pls let me go!" Mirabel begged. Trying to get off Joe.

Joe forcefully laid Mirabel on the table. She tried to get up, but he pinned both her hands on the table.

"Sir No!" She cried out, realizing what Joe was trying to do.

Joe was furious. He tried to force himself on Mirabel, but he stopped.

He saw how Mirabel's eyes welled up with tears while begging him.

Anger filled his system. He closed his eyes and roared at Mirabel, "Why? Why? Why? Why?!"

Mirabel got frightened at him.

"Why do you keep on bringing the matter of my marriage? Why?"

He got off from Mirabel. The frightened lady got off the table, moving to a corner. Her heart racing from what just happened.

Joe turned around to look at Mirabel. She was scared.

"Tell me Why? You always bring up the matter of my marriage. Can't you be like other girls for once? At least they don't ask the man they are dating about their marriage. They just go with the flow. Take an example from Ella. Why do you have to be different?" Joe asked angrily.

" Yes, I'm different from other girls. That's because I'm not selfish like Ella or those girls that find it pleasing to date a married man," Mirabel responded amidst tears.

Joe was angry.

"I'm an emotional person sir. I don't flow like other girls. Some girls have no care that's why they continue to date a man who isn't theirs. I can't do that. I agree that we both have done somethings together before, but..."

Mirabel sighed, trying to calm herself down. " I can't be the other woman in your life. Yes, I love you so much dearly, but I can't continue like this."

Joe got really angry with her.

Mirabel revealed to Joe that he is the first person she would ever date. She has fallen in love before, but was rejected by the person. She decided to be on her own. Not until she laid her eyes on Joe.

She thanked him for everything, for the love he showed her and other things.

Joe scoffed out and said the word Love.

Mirabel became silent on hearing him.

Joe told Oge that he doesn't believe in the word Love.

He said that he prefer the way he was going out with different ladies and having fun with them.

"Love is nothing but a lie. Life is all about having fun." Joe glared at Mirabel.

Mirabel was stunned at Joe's statement. She felt her heart weaken.

"Be honest with me. Do you love me?" She asked Joe.

"No, I don't!" Joe responded angrily.

Mirabel felt her heart skitter at Joe's answer. One side of her was glad that he said he doesn't love her, but the other side was hurt because she loves him.

Joe has given her another reason to stay away from him. His confession is enough.

Joe tried to calm himself down. He sighed and then said that he needed to be alone.

Mirabel didn't say anything. She took her steps away from Joe and walked towards the door. She opened it and left without looking back at him.

Joe was still trying to calm himself down.

Thinking about what just occurred was disturbing him.

Mirabel had gone to stay at the Daycare for some minutes. She looked around and recurred all her moments with Joe.

She felt hurt, thinking about the fact that she broke up with him.

"It's the right thing Mirabel. You did well. It won't be that easy, but I have to be strong," she encouraged herself.

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