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Some days later, Work was back on again. All the staffs, both at the daycare and the company, returned back to work.

Things were going well and pretty fine, Until one day. Angel suddenly stopped coming to work.

She resigned from her work without telling Mirabel. Mirabel didn't know why she resigned.

When she got the chance to visit Angel at home, Angel told her she had something important to face, and she was tired of the work.

Mirabel felt something was wrong. She tried to find out from Angel, but Angel said all was well.

With Angel no longer going to work, Mirabel was now going to work alone.

She wished Angel was still working with her. But she can't do anything. It's her decision.

Not quite long, a new girl came. Her name's Ella. She looks gentle and quiet on her first day at work. Such an innocent lady.

Mirabel didn't mind about Ella nor related with her that much. She only greets her and faces her work.

On a Friday, Ella sat next to Mirabel, feeding some children. That's when Joe showed up. He came to speak with the H.O.D about decorating the Daycare.

Mirabel and Joe had an eye lock for each other. Their eyes met.

Mirabel turned her face away with a smile on her face, while Joe smirked and faced the H.O.D.

When he was done talking, he went over to meet Mirabel.

One thing Mirabel didn't like was the way some staffs stared at her, whenever the boss came to meet her.

Miss Bello had once asked Mirabel if she was using some kind of spell on the young CEO, because she was the only one that was close to the boss.

Miss Bello said that some of the staffs believe it's her nature that's why.

Normally, Mirabel is a friendly girl. She relates with anyone, no matter your character. So most of them envied that nature of hers,but still cares about her.

When Joe came close to Mirabel, Ella's eyes fell right on him, staring at her boss

Joe joked with Mirabel about something. Mirabel gasped and threatened to beat him with the spoon she was holding.

They both laughed, including Ella.

Joe stayed a little before leaving for his office.

During the closing hours,Ella had stopped Mirabel to ask about Joe.

Mirabel just told her that he was the boss and nothing else. But Ella wasn't contend. She wanted to know how Mirabel managed to get the boss to be her friend in such a short time.

Ella learnt from the other staffs that Mirabel joined some months ago. She wanted to know Mirabel's trick.

Once more, Mirabel repeated her statement again. Ella still wasn't contend. But she decided to leave Mirabel.

Mirabel was about passing through the gate with Ella,when she got a call from Joe.

Mirabel answered the call right in front of Ella.


"Meet me in my office now," Joe said sweetly. Cutting the call quickly.

Mirabel sighed. She looked at Ella, who wanted to know what's up. She told her that the boss was calling for an urgent work. So she went back.

Ella stood, watching Mirabel head for the company.

Mirabel got into the company. Making her way to Joe's office. She knocked on the door,and he told her to come in.

Mirabel opened the door and stepped in. She doesn't see Joe on his seat.

Unexpectedly, she heard the door locking from behind. She turned around, only to receive a kiss on the lips.

Mirabel moaned amidst the kiss, before Joe finally broke it.

"How's my little princess doing?"Joe asked. Embracing her immediately.

Mirabel replied, "Fine. Wait...let go off me."

She pushed him away. Joe laughed but held her hand. Pulling her right into his arms again.

Mirabel laughed at him.

Joe smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead. Mirabel was beginning to feel uncomfortable again. She moved away from Joe and asked about his wife.

Joe didn't like it when she raised the matter of his wife up. He found it unpleasant to his ears. Joe told her to stop thinking about his wife and focus on him.

"You know very well that what we are doing is wrong. I am hurting your wife by dating you. It's not right. I wonder how she would react if she gets to know about this," Mirabel expressed her fear.

As soon as she said that, Joe bursted into laughter. Mirabel wondered why he was laughing.

Joe then told her that his wife knows about his affair with some girls. Mirabel gasped at his statement.

"That's a big lie. You're just saying this to calm me down," Mirabel pointed out.

"That's the truth Princess. She knows," Joe assured her.

Mirabel didn't care whether his wife was aware or not. All she knows is that they are wrong for being in a relationship.

She then gasped and asked, "Wait,did I hear you say girls?"

Joe nods.

" player!" Mirabel's mouth dropped.

"Yep, that's me," he said confidently.

"And you're proud to say it?! Oh my God! Your wife will be devasted when she hears this," Mirabel panicked. Grabbing her hair.

Joe laughed at her. She was making him to laugh. The CEO moved closer to Mirabel. Wrapping his arms around her.

Mirabel wanted to push him,but he didn't let her.

"Don't be stubborn. You know you want me, so don't try to push me," he said to her.

Mirabel frowned at him.

Joe tells her his reason for calling her. He said that he wants to do a little design on the walls of the Daycare, inside.

He wants Mirabel to be present tomorrow. She reminded him that it was Saturday. But Joe said that she must come.

That he knows she loves drawing and designing,so he wants her there.

Mirabel didn't deny that fact,but she told him that she wouldn't show up.

Joe scoffed and said, "You will come no matter what. Since I'm coming, you will want to come. Your heart will bring you to me." He points at her chest.

Mirabel scoffed and said, "We shall see about that."

"Oh, we will," Joe boldly said.

Mirabel chuckled, before leaving the place.

At home,she was thinking about what Joe said to her.

She had to admit, Joe was right. She was thinking about him, and she was willing to show up at the Daycare tomorrow.

No doubt about it, Joe did make her feel good whenever they were together. She decided to go tomorrow.

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