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An hour later, Mirabel, who was sleeping, heard noises. It was disturbing. She wondered why Ella and Miss Bello were talking loud. Not until she felt a hand playing with her nose.

She opened her eyes and saw Joe looking at her. Her heart screaming with Joy.

"Sir!" She called happily.

"Sleeping by this time Mirabel? You are a lazy girl," Joe teased Mirabel and tapped her head.

Mirabel grumbled before laying her head down again to sleep.

Joe laughed at her. He them shared an important message with  Ella, Miss Bello and Mirabel. He tells them about his meeting. He's having a meeting and the three of them would be needed.

Mirabel lifted her head up to look at Joe. He told them the time the meeting would start and when they should come. Then he left the Daycare.

In an hour, the meeting started. Joe was attending to some foreign delegates. They came to see for themselves, if what they heard about Joe was true. If truly he was indeed great with his work.

They had a business deal I'm which they want to get Joe involved.

When Joe began his presentation on his works and other things, Mirabel, Ella and Miss Bello were bringing in the important materials Joe wanted to show the foreign delegates.

Ella was annoyed. She wondered why Joe didn't get some of his workers at the company to do it.

Mirabel didn't mind bringing in all the things Joe needed. All she wanted was to watch the presentation. She found it interesting.

She dropped the things she carried and moved away a little. Ella came and dropped the things she was carrying recklessly.

Among the things she carried, was a glass sculpture of a man carrying the earth on his back. That was one of Joe's work.

The moment Ella dropped the things roughly, the sculpture fell out.

Peter, who was watching Ella and savouring his lips, noticed when the sculpture fell out. He quickly called Joe's attention to it.

Joe turned to look at it. But instead he found Mirabel holding it.

She had also seen when the sculpture fell. She quickly caught it before it reached the ground.

"Phew!" She sighed .

Joe looked at her. She glanced at him and smiled.

She dropped the sculpture and went to stand with Ella and Miss Bello.

Ella acted as if she wasn't responsible for what had happened.

Joe smiled as Mirabel went to stand with the others. He continued with his presentation.

Peter smiled after seeing what Mirabel did. A friend of his, tapped Peter and asked if Mirabel was the girl he was talking about.

Peter confirmed with a Yes.

"There are two of them, but this one is the main girl driving me crazy," Peter enlightened his friend.

"No doubt about it. She's really beautiful and hot. I wonder if she's able to move me that much," Peter's friend said.

Peter laughed and told his friend that he doesn't need to touch Mirabel before knowing if she can. "One word with her and you're into her already," He said.

"Waw. I really want to spend some time with this beauty." They both laughed.

While the meeting was going on, Williams had his eyes on Mirabel. She noticed his hovering eyes on her, but pretended not to see him.

His presence was making her sick in the tummy.

Finally, the meeting was over. The foreign delegates were impressed with Joe. They accepted Joe as their partner. Joe was pleased.

The foreign delegates left the meeting room.

Joe's friends came to congratulate him. They were talking about the presentation.

They were congratulating him for his success. He thanked them.

Joe noticed Mirabel at the other side. She wasn't looking comfortable. She looked disturbed. He watched her as she left the room quickly.

Ella and Miss Bello were still there. Miss Bello was still waiting for her boss.  She had a feeling that he was going to reward them for their work.

Ella was waiting for a different reason. She wanted to find a way to spend more time with Joe.

Last night with Joe was awesome. She wanted to experience it all over again.

Seeing that Mirabel was gone, Joe decided to go follow her. But his friends stopped him.

"Hey Joe!" Peter's friend called his attention back.

Joe looked at him.

"The lady that just left just now. Em... The one that caught your sculpture from falling. What's her... Yes! Mirabel. Is she married?" he asked.

"No. Why asking?" Joe asked, getting suspicious. He was beginning to suspect his behavior.

The man chuckled and rubbed his chin. He then asked Joe to hook him up with her. Joe was stunned.

Peter exclaimed and said that he was about to say that. Williams then laughed, saying, "Yes we all agree that she's beautiful and has a lovely heart,but come on.... Let the girl be. She's going to freak out if she hears that you guys are trying to date her."

They laughed. Joe also laughed and told them not to even think about it.

"Mirabel is my very good friend. I'm like her guardian. So if any man wants to see her, they'll have to face me, because I won't allow anyone near her."

His friends laughed, thinking he was joking. But they didn't know that Joe was serious.

Still inside the company, Mirabel was moving towards the entrance. She wondered if going back to the Daycare was the right choice or not. She decided that she would take her bag and go home.

As she got close to the entrance, Mirabel felt someone grabbing her hands immediately. She became scared and thought it was Williams.

But when she looked,she saw it was Joe.


"Come with me," Joe held her hand and took her upstairs to his office.

They entered the office and Joe locked the door quickly.

He turned around to face Mirabel. Asking her what the problem was.

Mirabel was silent at first. But she suddenly had tears rolling down from her eyes.

Joe was stunned.

"Princess what's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

Mirabel quickly embraced him and buried her face on his chest.

Joe was worried. He lifted her up and asked her what the problem was.

Mirabel told him about Williams and what he tried to do earlier to her. The CEO is astonished. He didn't know how to react.

He was quiet at first, then he chuckled.

"What's so funny now?" Oge asked, getting angry with Joe's response.

Joe wiped her tears and told her to smile.

He told her not to think too much and not to be scared.

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