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She wondered what moved her to text her all of a sudden.

When Mirabel opened the text message,she was shocked.

Ella sent a message filled with bad words against her. Ella called her a brat and a prostitute.

That she read all of Mirabel's messages with Joe. That she can't wait to deal with her.

Mirabel is stunned. She didn't say anything to Ella.

The crazy lady messaged once again, saying she won't spare Mirabel on Monday.

Mirabel replied her with a fine. Then she forwarded the messages to Joe.

When Joe saw this, he called Mirabel immediately.

"Did Ella send those messages to you?" he asked.

"Yes, your girlfriend did," Mirabel replied.

Now the word girlfriend was beginning to annoy Joe. He told Mirabel not to call Ella his girlfriend again.

Mirabel accepted his condition. That's if she truly did.

Joe decided to speak to Ella before Monday reached.

Mirabel asked Joe how Ella got to read all their private messages. Joe was also surprised. His phone had a password. So he wondered how.

Then he realized that Ella was a sharp girl with a sneaky mind. She must have seen him when he unlocked his phone and crammed the password.

He got angry.

When Monday came, Mirabel came to work. Ella later showed up too.

Mirabel was expecting Ella to come over to fight her, because that's what she wanted.

But Ella acted as if nothing had happened.

Later, Mirabel went to see Ella and reminded her of their meeting. Ella then said she wasn't in the mood, and she was sorry for speaking to her anyhow.

Mirabel didn't say anything. She just left her side. Mirabel realized that Joe had done something. But what?

Later, towards the closing hour, Mirabel had gone to check the cyber cafe again for the exam.

She realized her exam was on Saturday She decided to prepare herself for it .

She went back to the Daycare, took her things and left.

When Joe came over and asked of her, he learnt that she had left.

Joe had wanted to spend sometime with her. But she left without seeing him.

The next day again, Oge did the same thing.

On Wednesday, She was rushing to leave. She was packing her things,when she heard Ella telling the other staffs that Mirabel wasn't as pure as they think she is.

The staffs said she was lying. But the proud Ella stood her ground.

Mirabel came close and sided with Ella.

She laughed and told them that she was a Naughty girl.

The staffs laughed and asked Mirabel if she was a kind and loving girl normally. Since that's who they know her.

She confirmed with a Yes.

The staffs told Ella that they know what they were saying.

"Even if Mirabel says she's naughty or bad, her behavior shows a different things. She is a pure angel," Miss Bello said.

Ella was furious from within.

Mirabel smiled and decided to hurry up fast. She wanted to leave when the H.O.D questioned her about the way she was rushing out of the place.

Mirabel explained to her.

Ella had left the Daycare to find Joe. She wanted to be around him.

She got close to the company and was about entering inside when the security came to meet her.

He called Ella's attention and begged her for some money. "Please dear, even if it's a penny, I don't mind. I'll use it to find something to eat. I'm really hungry today," He begged.

Ella felt disgusted by the security's plea. She lied that she had nothing.

Joe was coming out with his friends, Williams and Peter. Ella saw him and went to meet him.

The security was sad. He was afraid to approach his boss and ask him for money.

The security was heading for his post when he noticed Mirabel coming. He waited for her to reach his point.

Mirabel was walking towards the gate hurriedly. Joe saw her. He wanted to find out where she was going in a hurry.

That's when the security stopped Mirabel. He begged her for some money to eat. Mirabel felt touched.

The way he spoke almost made her cry.

She said sadly, "I'm so sorry, I don't have much on me. The only one I have is my transport fare."

The man was sad.

Joe and his friends were watching her.

Ella had tried to get Joe's attention, but no way.

She noticed the three of them watching Mirabel and listening to the security sad tale.

The security was sad. Mirabel couldn't bare it. She opened her bag and brought out the last money on her. Her Transport fare.

"Here you go sir. I guess a little work won't harm me," she said, handing the money over to the man with a smile on her face.

The security was surprised and touched by Mirabel's kind gesture.

Joe,Williams and Peter were moved. Ella got angry.

The security asked about her transport. Mirabel laughed and said she has legs. This made the sad man smile.

Mirabel felt pleased.

Seeing this, Ella tells Joe and the others that the security was showing bad example by begging.

The three men didn't answer her, but walked up to Mirabel and the security.

"What's going on here?" Joe's voice came in.

He stood beside Mirabel, along with his friends.

The security was silent.

Mirabel was glad that Joe was there. She begged him to give the security some money and remove it from her salary.

Joe looked at her then back at the security.

He brought out his wallet and gave the gateman some notes.

He takes Mirabel's money from the security and kept it in his pocket.

"Go and buy something for yourself," Joe said.

The security was filled with joy.  He thanked his boss. He was so happy.

Williams and Peter also gave the gateman some money.

This was the happiest day of the security's life. He thanked Mirabel for her help.

She smiled and said,"You are welcome."

As soon as he left to buy himself food, Mirabel faced Joe.

"Why take my money and put it in your pocket? I didn't give it to you," she questioned him. Narrowing her eyes at Joe.

Joe smirked and tapped her head. "Silly girl. You think you are the only nice person here."

Mirabel chuckled.

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