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Williams then said something disturbing to both Ella and Joe. He said, "I wished Mirabel was my wife."

Peter also said the same thing.

Joe wasn't pleased with their statement. It shows that they have their eyes on Mirabel.

Ella was jealous of what they said. It felt like a slap to her face.

Mirabel decided to leave. Joe followed her outside the gate and questioned her about her sudden movement.

She then told him about her exam. Joe was surprised. "And you didn't tell me?" He gazed at her.

Mirabel shrugged and apologized, "Sorry for not telling you."

Joe asked about the date of her exam,and she told him it's this Saturday.

Joe was surprised that the exam was close. He wanted to give Mirabel some days off, but she refused.

She didn't want other staffs to suspect her relationship with Joe. He was helping her too much.

Mirabel decided to head back home. But Joe didn't allow her. He found a cab and got her in it. Then she left.

Friday came. There wasn't much work to do. Mirabel was busy reading her book. She was having trouble reading and attending to the children. She tried to focus.

The staffs had started leaving for home, after making sure all the children where with their parents.

Mirabel couldn't leave yet. She wanted to complete one of her books before going home to read the rest.  She had a lot to read.

Soon, Joe and his friends showed up. Ella too followed.

She was behaving like a monitoring spirit. Most of the staff's even noticed how clingy she was to the boss. They found it disturbing.

Joe and his friends were stunned to see Mirabel. They thought she had gone.

Mirabel was reading her book. She didn't notice Joe or his friends there.

Slowly, Joe walked up to her from behind and brought his face closer to hers.

Mirabel immediately felt his presence. It was strange,but she knew he was the one.

Joe placed his face close to hers secretly and planted a kiss on her cheek. His friends didn't see him. Even Ella.

"You're still here. I thought you had gone home?" Joe asked.

Mirabel said she will soon leave. She only had a few minutes to go.

Joe's friends came closer. Calling Mirabel their Queen. She smiled at them. They wished her good luck with her exams and she thanked them.

Joe smiled at her. Ella's jealousy increased. She hated it when they praised Mirabel. It was disgusting.

Time was up. Mirabel decided to leave.

"Let me escort you," Joe offered.

"Oh no sir. You don't have to," Mirabel turned Joe down.

But Joe refused. He left his friends with Ella,while he escorted Mirabel outside.

They were about reaching the gate,when Joe took hold of Mirabel's hand and held it gently.

A smile crept across Mirabel's face.

Joe told her to be careful. He spoke to her like he's advising a little girl.

Mirabel felt like laughing, but Joe was serious.

He wanted her to free her mind and focus on her exam. Not to fear or be worried.

She thanked him.

He took her outside and called a cab for her. He helped her get in and gave her a deep kiss on the lips.

Mirabel can't remember when last they kissed each other on the lips.

Joe wished her good luck and threatened not to speak to her if she fails her exam.

Mirabel gasped and laughed out. Joe also laughed, before he bade her goodbye.

The following week, Mirabel came to work. She heard that the results were finally out. She was scared.

When Joe heard about it, he called Mirabel to his office. He helped her to check out the result with his system.

Mirabel felt nervous.

When Joe saw her result,he was impressed. She got a very good mark. It was amazing.

Mirabel immediately screamed happily when she saw her result.

She quickly hugged Joe and rejoiced. Joe was proud of her. He embraced her tightly and congratulated her.

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