Chapter 3

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Sana enjoyed the hug that Chaeyoung gave her but at the same she didn't wanna give her the wrong impression. "Ahem.." Sana coughed and breaking the hug, doing a step behind.

Chaeyoung felt her heart drop to her stomach when she felt Sana stepping away from her. She could feel the rain running down her face and her legs felt like they were becoming shaky, but she didn't move from where she was standing.

"Sana please..." She said, and took a step closer to her. "Don't be like this. I'm really sorry for everything. I just..."

She wanted to say that she just wanted her back, but she couldn't find the right words. Her voice was soft and sincere, hoping that Sana could see that.

"And I don't want to hear your lies. Just get over it, you have Mina and I have Nayeon." Sana stated, her body trembling from the cold breeze and the rain. The uniform was wet and there wasn't much that could provide her warmth.

Chaeyoung felt her heart breaking more and more with each word that was coming out of Sana's mouth. She couldn't deny it anymore, Sana wasn't gonna forgive her and she was probably gonna leave her for good.

She felt the tears running down her cheeks, but she didn't want to break down in front of her.

"Please..." She whispered and took another step closer to her. "I'm not lying. You're wrong. I'm not with Mina anymore. It's you that I want. Do you want me to prove it to you?"

Sana was surprised at Chaeyoung's confession and just stood there not moving at all, maybe not even breathing, as she tried to process what Chaeyoung just said.

She decided again to just let it go. "You know what they say? It is necessary to take care of what brings you happiness, because when you have it, you have everything, and when you lack it, you do everything to get it. But I guess I wasn't bringing too much happiness in your life." Sana claimed.

"Wait!" Chaeyoung's voice shook slightly when she tried to call Sana's name. She couldn't believe that their fight would end like this.

She felt like she was fighting a losing battle, but she didn't want to give up so easily.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. I'm never happy being with Mina. You're the one that brings me so much joy and happiness." She claimed.

"You're wrong...I want you. I just want you." She tried to explain, praying that Sana would finally understand her.

"But you still chose her over me.. your own best friend.." Sana replied and hit Chaeyoung's shoulders gently, she was getting out of control again but she tried her best to control it.

Chaeyoung felt her face burning with sadness and shame when Sana hit her shoulders. She wanted to protest and explain that she didn't choose Mina over her, but she knew she was wrong. She knew that she was the problem.

But she couldn't see herself being with anyone else but Sana. She realized that she didn't love Mina, but that she just wanted her to be hers only.

"Sana, please... I know I made a big mistake, but this is not what I really want. I want to fix us. I want to fix this." She confessed once more.

"Then do it. Yourself." Sana mouthed as the rain was falling down their faces. Their bodies were close to each other and they kept staring at each other's eyes for a moment or two.

Chaeyoung couldn't believe what Sana said. She felt frustrated and ashamed that she had to prove to her how much she cared for her.

And it was so hard to do it herself when Sana made it this difficult for her.

She felt her stomach turning when she looked at Sana's eyes trying to figure out what she should do. Her heart started beating fast when their eyes met, their faces becoming closer with each second.

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